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About AmpWhat

AmpWhat is a quick, interactive reference of thousands of HTML character entities and common Unicode characters, 8859-1 characters, quotation marks, punctuation marks, accented characters, symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters, icons, and markup-significant & internationalization characters.

Sources & Acknowledgements

AmpWhat was originally birthed using some of Remy Sharp's excellent work. I imported documents such as hacker jargon, and added hundreds of my own annotations. (When users searched and got no results, I fixed it!) Now, much of this data is part of the Unicode reference, but AmpWhat still uses a combination of source data.

No matter what data it contains, AmpWhat continues to present the Unicode reference materials in a way I think is most discoverable– and fun.

Thanks to Mathias Bynens for correcting me several times, but more importantly, for contributing immensely to the subtle craft of drawing text. His name pops up whenever I have a question about something tricky. AmpWhat also uses jsesc.

Steve Deach, an early mentor, got me interested in text layout, typography, and I dare say, SGML-- before it was hip. Main sources:

  1., “Latest international character reference”
  2., “CLDR Data”
  3., “Emoji Data” and “Emoji Sequences”
  4. W3, “HTML entities”
  5. W3, “Using character escapes in markup and CSS”
  7. app-charuse for language mappings
  8. Mark-Jan Nederhof at St. Andrews

an interaction
NDP Software


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Here is the original announcement.

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