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copy and paste, html character, html entity character, unicode icons css, unicode symbol html entity,unicode search,

U+602 ؂
arabic footnote marker arabic

U+749 ݉
syriac music syriac

U+8e0 ࣠
arabic small high footnote marker arabic extended-a

U+1b61 ᭡
balinese musical symbol dong balinese

U+1b62 ᭢
balinese musical symbol deng balinese

U+1b63 ᭣
balinese musical symbol dung balinese

U+1b64 ᭤
balinese musical symbol dang balinese

U+1b65 ᭥
balinese musical symbol dang surang balinese

U+1b66 ᭦
balinese musical symbol ding balinese

U+1b67 ᭧
balinese musical symbol daeng balinese

U+1b68 ᭨
balinese musical symbol deung balinese

U+1b69 ᭩
balinese musical symbol daing balinese

U+1b6a ᭪
balinese musical symbol dang gede balinese

U+1b6b ᭫
balinese musical symbol combining tegeh balinese

U+1b6c ᭬
balinese musical symbol combining endep balinese

U+1b6d ᭭
balinese musical symbol combining kempul balinese

U+1b6e ᭮
balinese musical symbol combining kempli balinese

U+1b6f ᭯
balinese musical symbol combining jegogan balinese

U+1b70 ᭰
balinese musical symbol combining kempul jegogan balinese

U+1b71 ᭱
balinese musical symbol combining kempli jegogan balinese

U+1b72 ᭲
balinese musical symbol combining bende balinese

U+1b73 ᭳
balinese musical symbol combining gong balinese

U+1b74 ᭴
balinese musical symbol right-hand open dug balinese

U+1b75 ᭵
balinese musical symbol right-hand open dag balinese

U+1b76 ᭶
balinese musical symbol right-hand closed tuk balinese

U+1b77 ᭷
balinese musical symbol right-hand closed tak balinese

U+1b78 ᭸
balinese musical symbol left-hand open pang balinese

U+1b79 ᭹
balinese musical symbol left-hand open pung balinese

U+1b7a ᭺
balinese musical symbol left-hand closed plak balinese

U+1b7b ᭻
balinese musical symbol left-hand closed pluk balinese

U+1b7c ᭼
balinese musical symbol left-hand open ping balinese

U+2204 ∄
NotExists there does not exist html entities ∄ ∄ mathematical operators

U+2209 ∉
notin not an element of ∉ html entities ∉ set mathematical operators

U+2260 ≠
ne not equal to ≠ html entities inequality inequation = mathematical operators

U+2669 ♩
quarter note crotchet miscellaneous symbols

U+266a ♪
sung eighth note quaver html entities music miscellaneous symbols

U+266b ♫
beamed eighth notes barred eighth notes beamed quavers miscellaneous symbols

U+266c ♬
beamed sixteenth notes barred sixteenth notes beamed semiquavers miscellaneous symbols

U+266d ♭
flat music flat sign html entities bemolle note standard accidentals (12-edo) miscellaneous symbols

U+266e ♮
natur music natural sign html entities ♮ standard accidentals (12-edo) miscellaneous symbols

U+266f ♯
sharp music sharp sign z notation infix bag count html entities dièse diesis note standard accidentals (12-edo) miscellaneous symbols

U+1f398 🎘
musical keyboard jacks midi keyboard master keyboard plugs miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f399 🎙
studio microphone music miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f39a 🎚
level slider level control music miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f39b 🎛
control knobs audio control music miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f39c 🎜
beamed ascending musical notes musical performance musical background miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f39d 🎝
beamed descending musical notes miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3a4 🎤
microphone karaoke music sing sound miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3a7 🎧
headphone music earbud sound miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3b5 🎵
musical note being in good mood sound miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3b6 🎶
multiple musical notes dancing notes mood melody sound miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3b7 🎷
saxophone instrument music miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3b8 🎸
guitar instrument music strat miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3b9 🎹
musical keyboard instrument piano organ miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3ba 🎺
trumpet instrument music miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3bb 🎻
violin instrument music miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f3bc 🎼
musical score note miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4b4 💴
banknote yen sign bill currency money note yen banknote miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4b5 💵
banknote dollar sign bill currency money note dollar banknote miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4b6 💶
banknote euro sign 100 bill currency money note rich euro banknote miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4b7 💷
banknote pound sign billion cash currency money note pounds pound banknote sterling miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4b8 💸
money wings banknote billion cash dollar fly million note pay miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4cb 📋
clipboard do list notes miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4d2 📒
ledger notebook miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4d3 📓
notebook miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4d4 📔
notebook decorative cover book decorated education school writing miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f4dd 📝
memo communication media notes pencil miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f50a 🔊
speaker three sound waves high loud music volume speaker high volume miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5c5 🗅
empty note miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5c6 🗆
empty note page miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5c7 🗇
empty note pad miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5c8 🗈
note miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5c9 🗉
note page miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5ca 🗊
note pad miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

U+1f5d2 🗒
spiral note pad empty calendar notepad spiral notepad miscellaneous symbols and pictographs

AmpWhat is the place to explore the characters and icons underlying your browser, computer and phone.

* These are known as Unicode.

① Type in the search box, or

② Click a pre-made search

③ Select and click a character to copy it (look for the ⧉ and cursor)

④ Explore & have fun!



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