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- •Alt+0149\002022••"\u2022"U+2022%E2%80%A2•bulletblack small circlehtml entities•dotseparatorgeneral punctuation
- ∗—\002217∗∗"\u2217"U+2217%E2%88%97∗asterisk operatorhtml entitiesstarbulletmathematical operators
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- 🚅—\01f685🚅🚅"\uD83D\uDE85"U+1f685%F0%9F%9A%85high-speed train bullet noserailwayshinkansentravelbullet traintransport and map symbols
- ‣—\002023‣‣"\u2023"U+2023%E2%80%A3triangular bulletgeneral punctuation
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- ◘Alt+8\0025d8◘◘"\u25D8"U+25d8%E2%97%98inverse bulletgeometric shapes
- ◦—\0025e6◦◦"\u25E6"U+25e6%E2%97%A6white bullethollow bulletgeometric shapes
- ☙—\002619☙☙"\u2619"U+2619%E2%98%99reversed rotated floral heart bulletmiscellaneous symbols
- ❥—\002765❥❥"\u2765"U+2765%E2%9D%A5rotated heavy black heart bulletdingbats
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- ⦾—\0029be⦾⦾"\u29BE"U+29be%E2%A6%BE⦾circled white bullethtml entitiesmiscellaneous mathematical symbols-b
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* These are known as Unicode.
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