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- 🌿—\01f33f🌿🌿"\uD83C\uDF3F"U+1f33f%F0%9F%8C%BFherbleafplantmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🔰—\01f530🔰🔰"\uD83D\uDD30"U+1f530%F0%9F%94%B0japanese symbol for beginnerchevrongreenleaftoolyellowmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🍃—\01f343🍃🍃"\uD83C\uDF43"U+1f343%F0%9F%8D%83leaf fluttering in windblowmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- ⌘—\002318⌘⌘"\u2318"U+2318%E2%8C%98place of interest signcommand key (1.0)operating system key (iso 9995-7)cmdbutterflycloverleafoverpassfour leaf clovergorgon loopbowen knotheraldic knotSaint John's Armssaint hannes crossmiscellaneous technical
- ❦—\002766❦❦"\u2766"U+2766%E2%9D%A6floral heartaldus leafdingbats
- ❧—\002767❧❧"\u2767"U+2767%E2%9D%A7rotated floral heart bullethederaivy leafdingbats
- ⾴—\002fb4⾴⾴"\u2FB4"U+2fb4%E2%BE%B4kangxi radical leafkangxi radicals
- 𓏈—\0133c8𓏈𓏈"\uD80C\uDFC8"U+133c8%F0%93%8F%88egyptian hieroglyph w020milk jug leafegyptian hieroglyphs
- 🍀—\01f340🍀🍀"\uD83C\uDF40"U+1f340%F0%9F%8D%80four leaf cloverfour-leaf cloveririshluckyplantmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🍁—\01f341🍁🍁"\uD83C\uDF41"U+1f341%F0%9F%8D%81maple leaffallingmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🍂—\01f342🍂🍂"\uD83C\uDF42"U+1f342%F0%9F%8D%82fallen leafautumnfallingmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🙐—\01f650🙐🙐"\uD83D\uDE50"U+1f650%F0%9F%99%90north west pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙑—\01f651🙑🙑"\uD83D\uDE51"U+1f651%F0%9F%99%91south west pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙒—\01f652🙒🙒"\uD83D\uDE52"U+1f652%F0%9F%99%92north east pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙓—\01f653🙓🙓"\uD83D\uDE53"U+1f653%F0%9F%99%93south east pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙔—\01f654🙔🙔"\uD83D\uDE54"U+1f654%F0%9F%99%94turned north west pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙕—\01f655🙕🙕"\uD83D\uDE55"U+1f655%F0%9F%99%95turned south west pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙖—\01f656🙖🙖"\uD83D\uDE56"U+1f656%F0%9F%99%96turned north east pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙗—\01f657🙗🙗"\uD83D\uDE57"U+1f657%F0%9F%99%97turned south east pointing leafornamental dingbats
- 🙘—\01f658🙘🙘"\uD83D\uDE58"U+1f658%F0%9F%99%98north west pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🙙—\01f659🙙🙙"\uD83D\uDE59"U+1f659%F0%9F%99%99south west pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🙚—\01f65a🙚🙚"\uD83D\uDE5A"U+1f65a%F0%9F%99%9Anorth east pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🙛—\01f65b🙛🙛"\uD83D\uDE5B"U+1f65b%F0%9F%99%9Bsouth east pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🙜—\01f65c🙜🙜"\uD83D\uDE5C"U+1f65c%F0%9F%99%9Cheavy north west pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🙝—\01f65d🙝🙝"\uD83D\uDE5D"U+1f65d%F0%9F%99%9Dheavy south west pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🙞—\01f65e🙞🙞"\uD83D\uDE5E"U+1f65e%F0%9F%99%9Eheavy north east pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🙟—\01f65f🙟🙟"\uD83D\uDE5F"U+1f65f%F0%9F%99%9Fheavy south east pointing vine leafornamental dingbats
- 🥬—\01f96c🥬🥬"\uD83E\uDD6C"U+1f96c%F0%9F%A5%ACleafy greenbok choyburgerscabbagechoykalelettucesaladpak choisupplemental symbols and pictographs
- —\01fabe🪾🪾"\uD83E\uDEBE"U+1fabe%F0%9F%AA%BEleafless treebarebarrenbranchesdeaddroughttrunkwinterwoodsymbols and pictographs extended-a
* These are known as Unicode.
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