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- ࡰ—\000870ࡰࡰ"\u0870"U+870%E0%A1%B0arabic letter alef attached fathaarabic extended-b
- ࡱ—\000871ࡱࡱ"\u0871"U+871%E0%A1%B1arabic letter alef attached top right fathaarabic extended-b
- ࡲ—\000872ࡲࡲ"\u0872"U+872%E0%A1%B2arabic letter alef right middle strokearabic extended-b
- ࡳ—\000873ࡳࡳ"\u0873"U+873%E0%A1%B3arabic letter alef left middle strokearabic extended-b
- ࡴ—\000874ࡴࡴ"\u0874"U+874%E0%A1%B4arabic letter alef attached kasraarabic extended-b
- ࡵ—\000875ࡵࡵ"\u0875"U+875%E0%A1%B5arabic letter alef attached bottom right kasraarabic extended-b
- ࡶ—\000876ࡶࡶ"\u0876"U+876%E0%A1%B6arabic letter alef attached round dot abovearabic extended-b
- ࡷ—\000877ࡷࡷ"\u0877"U+877%E0%A1%B7arabic letter alef attached right round dotarabic extended-b
- ࡸ—\000878ࡸࡸ"\u0878"U+878%E0%A1%B8arabic letter alef attached left round dotarabic extended-b
- ࡹ—\000879ࡹࡹ"\u0879"U+879%E0%A1%B9arabic letter alef attached round dot belowarabic extended-b
- ࡺ—\00087aࡺࡺ"\u087A"U+87a%E0%A1%BAarabic letter alef dot abovearabic extended-b
- ࡻ—\00087bࡻࡻ"\u087B"U+87b%E0%A1%BBarabic letter alef attached top right fatha and dot abovearabic extended-b
- ࡼ—\00087cࡼࡼ"\u087C"U+87c%E0%A1%BCarabic letter alef right middle stroke and dot abovearabic extended-b
- ࡽ—\00087dࡽࡽ"\u087D"U+87d%E0%A1%BDarabic letter alef attached bottom right kasra and dot abovearabic extended-b
- ࡾ—\00087eࡾࡾ"\u087E"U+87e%E0%A1%BEarabic letter alef attached top right fatha and left ringarabic extended-b
- ࡿ—\00087fࡿࡿ"\u087F"U+87f%E0%A1%BFarabic letter alef right middle stroke and left ringarabic extended-b
- ࢀ—\000880ࢀࢀ"\u0880"U+880%E0%A2%80arabic letter alef attached bottom right kasra and left ringarabic extended-b
- ࢁ—\000881ࢁࢁ"\u0881"U+881%E0%A2%81arabic letter alef attached right hamzaarabic extended-b
- ࢂ—\000882ࢂࢂ"\u0882"U+882%E0%A2%82arabic letter alef attached left hamzaarabic extended-b
- ࢃ—\000883ࢃࢃ"\u0883"U+883%E0%A2%83arabic tatweel overstruck hamzaarabic extended-b
- ࢄ—\000884ࢄࢄ"\u0884"U+884%E0%A2%84arabic tatweel overstruck wawarabic extended-b
- ࢅ—\000885ࢅࢅ"\u0885"U+885%E0%A2%85arabic tatweel two dots belowarabic extended-b
- ࢆ—\000886ࢆࢆ"\u0886"U+886%E0%A2%86arabic letter thin yeharabic extended-b
- ࢇ—\000887ࢇࢇ"\u0887"U+887%E0%A2%87arabic baseline round dotarabic extended-b
- ࢈—\000888࢈࢈"\u0888"U+888%E0%A2%88arabic raised round dotarabic extended-b
- ࢉ—\000889ࢉࢉ"\u0889"U+889%E0%A2%89arabic letter noon inverted small varabic extended-b
- ࢊ—\00088aࢊࢊ"\u088A"U+88a%E0%A2%8Aarabic letter hah inverted small v belowarabic extended-b
- ࢋ—\00088bࢋࢋ"\u088B"U+88b%E0%A2%8Barabic letter tah dot belowarabic extended-b
- ࢌ—\00088cࢌࢌ"\u088C"U+88c%E0%A2%8Carabic letter tah three dots belowarabic extended-b
- ࢍ—\00088dࢍࢍ"\u088D"U+88d%E0%A2%8Darabic letter keheh two dots vertically belowarabic extended-b
- ࢎ—\00088eࢎࢎ"\u088E"U+88e%E0%A2%8Earabic vertical tailarabic extended-b
- —\000890࢐࢐"\u0890"U+890%E0%A2%90arabic pound mark abovearabic extended-b
- —\000891࢑࢑"\u0891"U+891%E0%A2%91arabic piastre mark abovearabic extended-b
- —\000897ࢗࢗ"\u0897"U+897%E0%A2%97arabic pepetarabic extended-b
- ࢘—\000898࢘࢘"\u0898"U+898%E0%A2%98arabic small high word al-juzarabic extended-b
- ࢙—\000899࢙࢙"\u0899"U+899%E0%A2%99arabic small low word ishmaamarabic extended-b
- ࢚—\00089a࢚࢚"\u089A"U+89a%E0%A2%9Aarabic small low word imaalaarabic extended-b
- ࢛—\00089b࢛࢛"\u089B"U+89b%E0%A2%9Barabic small low word tasheelarabic extended-b
- ࢜—\00089c࢜࢜"\u089C"U+89c%E0%A2%9Carabic madda waajibarabic extended-b
- ࢝—\00089d࢝࢝"\u089D"U+89d%E0%A2%9Darabic superscript alef mokhassasarabic extended-b
- ࢞—\00089e࢞࢞"\u089E"U+89e%E0%A2%9Earabic doubled maddaarabic extended-b
- ࢟—\00089f࢟࢟"\u089F"U+89f%E0%A2%9Farabic half madda over maddaarabic extended-b
* These are known as Unicode.
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