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- ݐ—\000750ݐݐ"\u0750"U+750%DD%90arabic letter beh three dots horizontally belowarabic supplement
- ݑ—\000751ݑݑ"\u0751"U+751%DD%91arabic letter beh dot below and three dots abovearabic supplement
- ݒ—\000752ݒݒ"\u0752"U+752%DD%92arabic letter beh three dots pointing upwards belowarabic supplement
- ݓ—\000753ݓݓ"\u0753"U+753%DD%93arabic letter beh three dots pointing upwards below and two dots abovearabic supplement
- ݔ—\000754ݔݔ"\u0754"U+754%DD%94arabic letter beh two dots below and dot abovearabic supplement
- ݕ—\000755ݕݕ"\u0755"U+755%DD%95arabic letter beh inverted small v belowarabic supplement
- ݖ—\000756ݖݖ"\u0756"U+756%DD%96arabic letter beh small varabic supplement
- ݗ—\000757ݗݗ"\u0757"U+757%DD%97arabic letter hah two dots abovearabic supplement
- ݘ—\000758ݘݘ"\u0758"U+758%DD%98arabic letter hah three dots pointing upwards belowarabic supplement
- ݙ—\000759ݙݙ"\u0759"U+759%DD%99arabic letter dal two dots vertically below and small taharabic supplement
- ݚ—\00075aݚݚ"\u075A"U+75a%DD%9Aarabic letter dal inverted small v belowarabic supplement
- ݛ—\00075bݛݛ"\u075B"U+75b%DD%9Barabic letter reh strokearabic supplement
- ݜ—\00075cݜݜ"\u075C"U+75c%DD%9Carabic letter seen four dots abovearabic supplement
- ݝ—\00075dݝݝ"\u075D"U+75d%DD%9Darabic letter ain two dots abovearabic supplement
- ݞ—\00075eݞݞ"\u075E"U+75e%DD%9Earabic letter ain three dots pointing downwards abovearabic supplement
- ݟ—\00075fݟݟ"\u075F"U+75f%DD%9Farabic letter ain two dots vertically abovearabic supplement
- ݠ—\000760ݠݠ"\u0760"U+760%DD%A0arabic letter feh two dots belowarabic supplement
- ݡ—\000761ݡݡ"\u0761"U+761%DD%A1arabic letter feh three dots pointing upwards belowarabic supplement
- ݢ—\000762ݢݢ"\u0762"U+762%DD%A2arabic letter keheh dot abovearabic supplement
- ݣ—\000763ݣݣ"\u0763"U+763%DD%A3arabic letter keheh three dots aboveazerbaijaniazeriآذربایجان دیلیhausaajamiهَرْشَن هَوْسَarabic supplement
- ݤ—\000764ݤݤ"\u0764"U+764%DD%A4arabic letter keheh three dots pointing upwards belowarabic supplement
- ݥ—\000765ݥݥ"\u0765"U+765%DD%A5arabic letter meem dot abovearabic supplement
- ݦ—\000766ݦݦ"\u0766"U+766%DD%A6arabic letter meem dot belowarabic supplement
- ݧ—\000767ݧݧ"\u0767"U+767%DD%A7arabic letter noon two dots belowarabic supplement
- ݨ—\000768ݨݨ"\u0768"U+768%DD%A8arabic letter noon small taharabic supplement
- ݩ—\000769ݩݩ"\u0769"U+769%DD%A9arabic letter noon small varabic supplement
- ݪ—\00076aݪݪ"\u076A"U+76a%DD%AAarabic letter lam bararabic supplement
- ݫ—\00076bݫݫ"\u076B"U+76b%DD%ABarabic letter reh two dots vertically abovearabic supplement
- ݬ—\00076cݬݬ"\u076C"U+76c%DD%ACarabic letter reh hamza abovearabic supplement
- ݭ—\00076dݭݭ"\u076D"U+76d%DD%ADarabic letter seen two dots vertically abovearabic supplement
- ݮ—\00076eݮݮ"\u076E"U+76e%DD%AEarabic letter hah small arabic letter tah belowarabic supplement
- ݯ—\00076fݯݯ"\u076F"U+76f%DD%AFarabic letter hah small arabic letter tah and two dotsarabic supplement
- ݰ—\000770ݰݰ"\u0770"U+770%DD%B0arabic letter seen small arabic letter tah and two dotsarabic supplement
- ݱ—\000771ݱݱ"\u0771"U+771%DD%B1arabic letter reh small arabic letter tah and two dotsarabic supplement
- ݲ—\000772ݲݲ"\u0772"U+772%DD%B2arabic letter hah small arabic letter tah abovearabic supplement
- ݳ—\000773ݳݳ"\u0773"U+773%DD%B3arabic letter alef extended arabic-indic digit two abovearabic supplement
- ݴ—\000774ݴݴ"\u0774"U+774%DD%B4arabic letter alef extended arabic-indic digit three abovearabic supplement
- ݵ—\000775ݵݵ"\u0775"U+775%DD%B5arabic letter farsi yeh extended arabic-indic digit two abovearabic supplement
- ݶ—\000776ݶݶ"\u0776"U+776%DD%B6arabic letter farsi yeh extended arabic-indic digit three abovearabic supplement
- ݷ—\000777ݷݷ"\u0777"U+777%DD%B7arabic letter farsi yeh extended arabic-indic digit four belowarabic supplement
- ݸ—\000778ݸݸ"\u0778"U+778%DD%B8arabic letter waw extended arabic-indic digit two abovearabic supplement
- ݹ—\000779ݹݹ"\u0779"U+779%DD%B9arabic letter waw extended arabic-indic digit three abovearabic supplement
- ݺ—\00077aݺݺ"\u077A"U+77a%DD%BAarabic letter yeh barree extended arabic-indic digit two abovearabic supplement
- ݻ—\00077bݻݻ"\u077B"U+77b%DD%BBarabic letter yeh barree extended arabic-indic digit three abovearabic supplement
- ݼ—\00077cݼݼ"\u077C"U+77c%DD%BCarabic letter hah extended arabic-indic digit four belowarabic supplement
- ݽ—\00077dݽݽ"\u077D"U+77d%DD%BDarabic letter seen extended arabic-indic digit four abovearabic supplement
- ݾ—\00077eݾݾ"\u077E"U+77e%DD%BEarabic letter seen inverted varabic supplement
- ݿ—\00077fݿݿ"\u077F"U+77f%DD%BFarabic letter kaf two dots abovearabic supplement
* These are known as Unicode.
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