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- ■—\0025a0■■"\u25A0"U+25a0%E2%96%A0black squaremoding mark (in ideographic text)filled squaregeometric shapes
- ⏹—\0023f9⏹⏹"\u23F9"U+23f9%E2%8F%B9black square for stopbuttonstop buttonmiscellaneous technical
- ▪—\0025aa▪▪"\u25AA"U+25aa%E2%96%AA▪black small squaresquare bullethtml entities▪▪▪geometricgeometric shapes
- ◙Alt+10\0025d9◙◙"\u25D9"U+25d9%E2%97%99inverse white circlecontainingfilled square containing hollow circlehollowsquareblack square containing hollow circleinverse hollow circleblack square containing white circleinstagramgeometric shapes
- ⛞—\0026de⛞⛞"\u26DE"U+26de%E2%9B%9Efalling diagonal in white circle in black squareclosed to large vehiclesmiscellaneous symbols
- ⛾—\0026fe⛾⛾"\u26FE"U+26fe%E2%9B%BEcup on black squaredrive-in restaurantfooddrinkcafemiscellaneous symbols
- ⧯—\0029ef⧯⧯"\u29EF"U+29ef%E2%A7%AFerror-barred black squaremiscellaneous mathematical symbols-b
- ⯀—\002bc0⯀⯀"\u2BC0"U+2bc0%E2%AF%80black square centredmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ㉈—\003248㉈㉈"\u3248"U+3248%E3%89%88circled number ten on black squarespeed limit 10 km/h(10)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉉—\003249㉉㉉"\u3249"U+3249%E3%89%89circled number twenty on black squarespeed limit 20 km/h(20)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉊—\00324a㉊㉊"\u324A"U+324a%E3%89%8Acircled number thirty on black squarespeed limit 30 km/h(30)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉋—\00324b㉋㉋"\u324B"U+324b%E3%89%8Bcircled number forty on black squarespeed limit 40 km/h(40)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉌—\00324c㉌㉌"\u324C"U+324c%E3%89%8Ccircled number fifty on black squarespeed limit 50 km/h(50)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉍—\00324d㉍㉍"\u324D"U+324d%E3%89%8Dcircled number sixty on black squarespeed limit 60 km/h(60)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉎—\00324e㉎㉎"\u324E"U+324e%E3%89%8Ecircled number seventy on black squarespeed limit 70 km/h(70)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉏—\00324f㉏㉏"\u324F"U+324f%E3%89%8Fcircled number eighty on black squarespeed limit 80 km/h(80)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ■—\00ffed■■"\uFFED"U+ffed%EF%BF%ADhalfwidth black squarehalfwidth and fullwidth forms
- 🔲—\01f532🔲🔲"\uD83D\uDD32"U+1f532%F0%9F%94%B2black square buttongeometricmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🙩—\01f669🙩🙩"\uD83D\uDE69"U+1f669%F0%9F%99%A9hollow quilt square ornament in black squareornamental dingbats
- 🙫—\01f66b🙫🙫"\uD83D\uDE6B"U+1f66b%F0%9F%99%ABsolid quilt square ornament in black squareinverse fourfold knot ornamentornamental dingbats
- ⮻—\002bbb⮻⮻"\u2BBB"U+2bbb%E2%AE%BBoverlapping white and black squaresbishops of opposite colourmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮼—\002bbc⮼⮼"\u2BBC"U+2bbc%E2%AE%BCoverlapping black squaresbishops of same colourmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ▣—\0025a3▣▣"\u25A3"U+25a3%E2%96%A3white square containing black small squarefilledhollow square containing filled squaregeometric shapes
- ◼—\0025fc◼◼"\u25FC"U+25fc%E2%97%BC◼black medium squarehtml entitiesgeometricgeometric shapes
- ◾—\0025fe◾◾"\u25FE"U+25fe%E2%97%BEblack medium small squaregeometricmedium-smallblack medium-small squaregeometric shapes
- ⬛—\002b1b⬛⬛"\u2B1B"U+2b1b%E2%AC%9Bblack large squaregeometricmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⬝—\002b1d⬝⬝"\u2B1D"U+2b1d%E2%AC%9Dblack very small squaremiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- —\01cc8e𜲎𜲎"\uD833\uDC8E"U+1cc8e%F0%9C%B2%8Eleft and upper one eighth block containing black small squaresymbols for legacy computing supplement
- —\01cc8f𜲏𜲏"\uD833\uDC8F"U+1cc8f%F0%9C%B2%8Finverse black small squaresymbols for legacy computing supplement
- —\01ce05𜸅𜸅"\uD833\uDE05"U+1ce05%F0%9C%B8%85heavy white square containing black very small squaresymbols for legacy computing supplement
- 🞌—\01f78c🞌🞌"\uD83D\uDF8C"U+1f78c%F0%9F%9E%8Cblack tiny squaregeometric shapes extended
- 🞍—\01f78d🞍🞍"\uD83D\uDF8D"U+1f78d%F0%9F%9E%8Dblack slightly small squaregeometric shapes extended
- 🞔—\01f794🞔🞔"\uD83D\uDF94"U+1f794%F0%9F%9E%94white square containing black very small squaregeometric shapes extended
- 🞕—\01f795🞕🞕"\uD83D\uDF95"U+1f795%F0%9F%9E%95white square containing black medium squaregeometric shapes extended
- ▪️—\0025aa\00fe0f▪️▪️"\u25AA\uFE0F"U+25aa U+fe0f%E2%96%AA%EF%B8%8Fblack small squaregeometric shapes
- ◼️—\0025fc\00fe0f◼️◼️"\u25FC\uFE0F"U+25fc U+fe0f%E2%97%BC%EF%B8%8Fblack medium squaregeometric shapes
- ◧—\0025e7◧◧"\u25E7"U+25e7%E2%97%A7square left half blackgeometric shapes
- ◨—\0025e8◨◨"\u25E8"U+25e8%E2%97%A8square right half blackgeometric shapes
- ◩—\0025e9◩◩"\u25E9"U+25e9%E2%97%A9square upper left diagonal half blackgeometric shapes
- ◪—\0025ea◪◪"\u25EA"U+25ea%E2%97%AAsquare lower right diagonal half blackgeometric shapes
- ⬒—\002b12⬒⬒"\u2B12"U+2b12%E2%AC%92square top half blackmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⬓—\002b13⬓⬓"\u2B13"U+2b13%E2%AC%93square bottom half blackmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⬔—\002b14⬔⬔"\u2B14"U+2b14%E2%AC%94square upper right diagonal half blackmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⬕—\002b15⬕⬕"\u2B15"U+2b15%E2%AC%95square lower left diagonal half blackmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- —\01cc8b𜲋𜲋"\uD833\uDC8B"U+1cc8b%F0%9C%B2%8Bsquare four corner black trianglessymbols for legacy computing supplement
- 𝅇—\01d147𝅇𝅇"\uD834\uDD47"U+1d147%F0%9D%85%87musical symbol square notehead blackmusical symbols
* These are known as Unicode.
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