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- ─\002500──"\u2500"U+2500%E2%94%80─box drawings light horizontalforms light horizontalvideotex mosaic dg 15html entities─box drawing
- ━\002501━━"\u2501"U+2501%E2%94%81box drawings heavy horizontalforms heavy horizontalbox drawing
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- ┃\002503┃┃"\u2503"U+2503%E2%94%83box drawings heavy verticalforms heavy verticalbox drawing
- ┄\002504┄┄"\u2504"U+2504%E2%94%84box drawings light triple dash horizontalforms light triple dash horizontal-----box drawing
- ┅\002505┅┅"\u2505"U+2505%E2%94%85box drawings heavy triple dash horizontalforms heavy triple dash horizontal-----box drawing
- ┆\002506┆┆"\u2506"U+2506%E2%94%86box drawings light triple dash verticalforms light triple dash verticalbox drawing
- ┇\002507┇┇"\u2507"U+2507%E2%94%87box drawings heavy triple dash verticalforms heavy triple dash verticalbox drawing
- ┈\002508┈┈"\u2508"U+2508%E2%94%88box drawings light quadruple dash horizontalforms light quadruple dash horizontal-----box drawing
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- ╦\002566╦╦"\u2566"U+2566%E2%95%A6╦box drawings double down and horizontalforms double down and horizontalhtml entitiesbox drawing
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- ╲\002572╲╲"\u2572"U+2572%E2%95%B2box drawings light diagonal upper left to lower rightforms light diagonal upper left to lower rightbox drawing
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- ╾\00257e╾╾"\u257E"U+257e%E2%95%BEbox drawings heavy left and light rightforms heavy left and light rightbox drawing
- ╿\00257f╿╿"\u257F"U+257f%E2%95%BFbox drawings heavy up and light downforms heavy up and light downbox drawing
- 📌\01f4cc📌📌"\uD83D\uDCCC"U+1f4cc%F0%9F%93%8Cpushpinpindrawing-pinmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 📍\01f4cd📍📍"\uD83D\uDCCD"U+1f4cd%F0%9F%93%8Dround pushpinpinround drawing-pinmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
* These are known as Unicode.
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