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copy and paste, html character, html entity character, unicode icons css, unicode symbol html entity,unicode search,

U+d1a ച
malayalam letter ca cha മലയാളം‎ malayalam

U+1b19 ᬙ
balinese letter ca laca cha ᬪᬵᬱᬩᬮᬶ ᬩᬲᬩᬮᬶ balinese

U+a996 ꦖ
javanese letter ca murda cha javanese

U+1fa87 🪇
maracas cha dance instrument music party percussion rattle shaker symbols and pictographs extended-a

AmpWhat is the place to explore the characters and icons underlying your browser, computer and phone.

* These are known as Unicode.

① Type in the search box, or

② Click a pre-made search

③ Select and click a character to copy it (look for the ⧉ and cursor)

④ Explore & have fun!



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