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- ᥐ\001950ᥐᥐ"\u1950"U+1950%E1%A5%90tai le letter katai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥑ\001951ᥑᥑ"\u1951"U+1951%E1%A5%91tai le letter xatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥒ\001952ᥒᥒ"\u1952"U+1952%E1%A5%92tai le letter ngatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥓ\001953ᥓᥓ"\u1953"U+1953%E1%A5%93tai le letter tsatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥔ\001954ᥔᥔ"\u1954"U+1954%E1%A5%94tai le letter satai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥕ\001955ᥕᥕ"\u1955"U+1955%E1%A5%95tai le letter yatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥖ\001956ᥖᥖ"\u1956"U+1956%E1%A5%96tai le letter tatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥗ\001957ᥗᥗ"\u1957"U+1957%E1%A5%97tai le letter thatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥘ\001958ᥘᥘ"\u1958"U+1958%E1%A5%98tai le letter latai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥙ\001959ᥙᥙ"\u1959"U+1959%E1%A5%99tai le letter patai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥚ\00195aᥚᥚ"\u195A"U+195a%E1%A5%9Atai le letter phatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥛ\00195bᥛᥛ"\u195B"U+195b%E1%A5%9Btai le letter matai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥜ\00195cᥜᥜ"\u195C"U+195c%E1%A5%9Ctai le letter fatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥝ\00195dᥝᥝ"\u195D"U+195d%E1%A5%9Dtai le letter vatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥞ\00195eᥞᥞ"\u195E"U+195e%E1%A5%9Etai le letter hatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥟ\00195fᥟᥟ"\u195F"U+195f%E1%A5%9Ftai le letter qatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥠ\001960ᥠᥠ"\u1960"U+1960%E1%A5%A0tai le letter khatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥡ\001961ᥡᥡ"\u1961"U+1961%E1%A5%A1tai le letter tshatai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥢ\001962ᥢᥢ"\u1962"U+1962%E1%A5%A2tai le letter natai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥣ\001963ᥣᥣ"\u1963"U+1963%E1%A5%A3tai le letter atai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥤ\001964ᥤᥤ"\u1964"U+1964%E1%A5%A4tai le letter itai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥥ\001965ᥥᥥ"\u1965"U+1965%E1%A5%A5tai le letter eetai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥦ\001966ᥦᥦ"\u1966"U+1966%E1%A5%A6tai le letter ehtai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥧ\001967ᥧᥧ"\u1967"U+1967%E1%A5%A7tai le letter utai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥨ\001968ᥨᥨ"\u1968"U+1968%E1%A5%A8tai le letter ootai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥩ\001969ᥩᥩ"\u1969"U+1969%E1%A5%A9tai le letter otai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥪ\00196aᥪᥪ"\u196A"U+196a%E1%A5%AAtai le letter uetai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥫ\00196bᥫᥫ"\u196B"U+196b%E1%A5%ABtai le letter etai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥬ\00196cᥬᥬ"\u196C"U+196c%E1%A5%ACtai le letter auetai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥭ\00196dᥭᥭ"\u196D"U+196d%E1%A5%ADtai le letter aitai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥰ\001970ᥰᥰ"\u1970"U+1970%E1%A5%B0tai le letter tone-2tai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥱ\001971ᥱᥱ"\u1971"U+1971%E1%A5%B1tai le letter tone-3tai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥲ\001972ᥲᥲ"\u1972"U+1972%E1%A5%B2tai le letter tone-4tai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥳ\001973ᥳᥳ"\u1973"U+1973%E1%A5%B3tai le letter tone-5tai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ᥴ\001974ᥴᥴ"\u1974"U+1974%E1%A5%B4tai le letter tone-6tai nüanɯadehong daichinese shantai mautai kongtai le
- ꜂\00a702꜂꜂"\uA702"U+a702%EA%9C%82modifier letter chinese tone yin shangmodifier tone letters
- ꜃\00a703꜃꜃"\uA703"U+a703%EA%9C%83modifier letter chinese tone yang shangmodifier tone letters
* These are known as Unicode.
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