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- δ—\0003b4δδ"\u03B4"U+3b4%CE%B4δgreek small letter deltahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Δ—\000394ΔΔ"\u0394"U+394%CE%94Δgreek capital letter deltahtml entitiestrianglemajor 7 chordmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ≜—\00225c≜≜"\u225C"U+225c%E2%89%9C≜delta equal toequiangularequal to by definitionhtml entities≜mathematical operators
- ƍ—\00018dƍƍ"\u018D"U+18d%C6%8Dlatin small letter turned deltareversed polish-hook olatin extended-b
- ᵟ—\001d5fᵟᵟ"\u1D5F"U+1d5f%E1%B5%9Fmodifier letter small deltaphonetic extensions
- ẟ—\001e9fẟẟ"\u1E9F"U+1e9f%E1%BA%9Flatin small letter deltalatin extended additional
- ⍋—\00234b⍋⍋"\u234B"U+234b%E2%8D%8Bapl functional symbol delta stilemiscellaneous technical
- ⍍—\00234d⍍⍍"\u234D"U+234d%E2%8D%8Dapl functional symbol quad deltamiscellaneous technical
- ⍙—\002359⍙⍙"\u2359"U+2359%E2%8D%99apl functional symbol delta underbarmiscellaneous technical
- 𝚫—\01d6ab𝚫𝚫"\uD835\uDEAB"U+1d6ab%F0%9D%9A%ABmathematical bold capital deltamajor 7 chordmathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝛅—\01d6c5𝛅𝛅"\uD835\uDEC5"U+1d6c5%F0%9D%9B%85mathematical bold small deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝛥—\01d6e5𝛥𝛥"\uD835\uDEE5"U+1d6e5%F0%9D%9B%A5mathematical italic capital deltamajor 7 chordmathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝛿—\01d6ff𝛿𝛿"\uD835\uDEFF"U+1d6ff%F0%9D%9B%BFmathematical italic small deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝜟—\01d71f𝜟𝜟"\uD835\uDF1F"U+1d71f%F0%9D%9C%9Fmathematical bold italic capital deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝜹—\01d739𝜹𝜹"\uD835\uDF39"U+1d739%F0%9D%9C%B9mathematical bold italic small deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝝙—\01d759𝝙𝝙"\uD835\uDF59"U+1d759%F0%9D%9D%99mathematical sans-serif bold capital deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝝳—\01d773𝝳𝝳"\uD835\uDF73"U+1d773%F0%9D%9D%B3mathematical sans-serif bold small deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝞓—\01d793𝞓𝞓"\uD835\uDF93"U+1d793%F0%9D%9E%93mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝞭—\01d7ad𝞭𝞭"\uD835\uDFAD"U+1d7ad%F0%9D%9E%ADmathematical sans-serif bold italic small deltamathematical alphanumeric symbols
* These are known as Unicode.
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