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- —\013430𓐰𓐰"\uD80D\uDC30"U+13430%F0%93%90%B0egyptian hieroglyph vertical joinersign separator: subordination (Manuel de Codage)egyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013431𓐱𓐱"\uD80D\uDC31"U+13431%F0%93%90%B1egyptian hieroglyph horizontal joinersign separator: juxtaposition (Manuel de Codage)egyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013432𓐲𓐲"\uD80D\uDC32"U+13432%F0%93%90%B2egyptian hieroglyph insert at top startegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013433𓐳𓐳"\uD80D\uDC33"U+13433%F0%93%90%B3egyptian hieroglyph insert at bottom startegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013434𓐴𓐴"\uD80D\uDC34"U+13434%F0%93%90%B4egyptian hieroglyph insert at top endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013435𓐵𓐵"\uD80D\uDC35"U+13435%F0%93%90%B5egyptian hieroglyph insert at bottom endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013436𓐶𓐶"\uD80D\uDC36"U+13436%F0%93%90%B6egyptian hieroglyph overlay middleegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013437𓐷𓐷"\uD80D\uDC37"U+13437%F0%93%90%B7egyptian hieroglyph begin segmentegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013438𓐸𓐸"\uD80D\uDC38"U+13438%F0%93%90%B8egyptian hieroglyph end segmentegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\013439𓐹𓐹"\uD80D\uDC39"U+13439%F0%93%90%B9egyptian hieroglyph insert at middleegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\01343a𓐺𓐺"\uD80D\uDC3A"U+1343a%F0%93%90%BAegyptian hieroglyph insert at topegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\01343b𓐻𓐻"\uD80D\uDC3B"U+1343b%F0%93%90%BBegyptian hieroglyph insert at bottomegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\01343c𓐼𓐼"\uD80D\uDC3C"U+1343c%F0%93%90%BCegyptian hieroglyph begin enclosureegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\01343d𓐽𓐽"\uD80D\uDC3D"U+1343d%F0%93%90%BDegyptian hieroglyph end enclosureegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\01343e𓐾𓐾"\uD80D\uDC3E"U+1343e%F0%93%90%BEegyptian hieroglyph begin walled enclosureegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- —\01343f𓐿𓐿"\uD80D\uDC3F"U+1343f%F0%93%90%BFegyptian hieroglyph end walled enclosureegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑀—\013440𓑀𓑀"\uD80D\uDC40"U+13440%F0%93%91%80egyptian hieroglyph mirror horizontallyegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑁—\013441𓑁𓑁"\uD80D\uDC41"U+13441%F0%93%91%81egyptian hieroglyph full blankegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑂—\013442𓑂𓑂"\uD80D\uDC42"U+13442%F0%93%91%82egyptian hieroglyph half blankegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑃—\013443𓑃𓑃"\uD80D\uDC43"U+13443%F0%93%91%83egyptian hieroglyph lost signegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑄—\013444𓑄𓑄"\uD80D\uDC44"U+13444%F0%93%91%84egyptian hieroglyph half lost signegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑅—\013445𓑅𓑅"\uD80D\uDC45"U+13445%F0%93%91%85egyptian hieroglyph tall lost signegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑆—\013446𓑆𓑆"\uD80D\uDC46"U+13446%F0%93%91%86egyptian hieroglyph wide lost signegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑇—\013447𓑇𓑇"\uD80D\uDC47"U+13447%F0%93%91%87egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at top startegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑈—\013448𓑈𓑈"\uD80D\uDC48"U+13448%F0%93%91%88egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at bottom startegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑉—\013449𓑉𓑉"\uD80D\uDC49"U+13449%F0%93%91%89egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at startegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑊—\01344a𓑊𓑊"\uD80D\uDC4A"U+1344a%F0%93%91%8Aegyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at top endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑋—\01344b𓑋𓑋"\uD80D\uDC4B"U+1344b%F0%93%91%8Begyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at topegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑌—\01344c𓑌𓑌"\uD80D\uDC4C"U+1344c%F0%93%91%8Cegyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at bottom start and top endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑍—\01344d𓑍𓑍"\uD80D\uDC4D"U+1344d%F0%93%91%8Degyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at start and topegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑎—\01344e𓑎𓑎"\uD80D\uDC4E"U+1344e%F0%93%91%8Eegyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at bottom endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑏—\01344f𓑏𓑏"\uD80D\uDC4F"U+1344f%F0%93%91%8Fegyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at top start and bottom endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑐—\013450𓑐𓑐"\uD80D\uDC50"U+13450%F0%93%91%90egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at bottomegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑑—\013451𓑑𓑑"\uD80D\uDC51"U+13451%F0%93%91%91egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at start and bottomegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑒—\013452𓑒𓑒"\uD80D\uDC52"U+13452%F0%93%91%92egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑓—\013453𓑓𓑓"\uD80D\uDC53"U+13453%F0%93%91%93egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at top and endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑔—\013454𓑔𓑔"\uD80D\uDC54"U+13454%F0%93%91%94egyptian hieroglyph modifier damaged at bottom and endegyptian hieroglyph format controls
- 𓑕—\013455𓑕𓑕"\uD80D\uDC55"U+13455%F0%93%91%95egyptian hieroglyph modifier damagedegyptian hieroglyph format controls
* These are known as Unicode.
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