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- ㈀\003200㈀㈀"\u3200"U+3200%E3%88%80parenthesized hangul kiyeokparenthesized hangul giyeogenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈁\003201㈁㈁"\u3201"U+3201%E3%88%81parenthesized hangul nieunenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈂\003202㈂㈂"\u3202"U+3202%E3%88%82parenthesized hangul tikeutparenthesized hangul digeudenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈃\003203㈃㈃"\u3203"U+3203%E3%88%83parenthesized hangul rieulparenthesized hangul lieulenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈄\003204㈄㈄"\u3204"U+3204%E3%88%84parenthesized hangul mieumenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈅\003205㈅㈅"\u3205"U+3205%E3%88%85parenthesized hangul pieupparenthesized hangul bieubenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈆\003206㈆㈆"\u3206"U+3206%E3%88%86parenthesized hangul siosenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈇\003207㈇㈇"\u3207"U+3207%E3%88%87parenthesized hangul ieungenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈈\003208㈈㈈"\u3208"U+3208%E3%88%88parenthesized hangul cieucparenthesized hangul jieujenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈉\003209㈉㈉"\u3209"U+3209%E3%88%89parenthesized hangul chieuchparenthesized hangul cieucenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈊\00320a㈊㈊"\u320A"U+320a%E3%88%8Aparenthesized hangul khieukhparenthesized hangul kiyeokenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈋\00320b㈋㈋"\u320B"U+320b%E3%88%8Bparenthesized hangul thieuthparenthesized hangul tieutenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈌\00320c㈌㈌"\u320C"U+320c%E3%88%8Cparenthesized hangul phieuphparenthesized hangul pieupenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈍\00320d㈍㈍"\u320D"U+320d%E3%88%8Dparenthesized hangul hieuhenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈎\00320e㈎㈎"\u320E"U+320e%E3%88%8Eparenthesized hangul kiyeok aparenthesized hangul gaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈏\00320f㈏㈏"\u320F"U+320f%E3%88%8Fparenthesized hangul nieun aparenthesized hangul naenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈐\003210㈐㈐"\u3210"U+3210%E3%88%90parenthesized hangul tikeut aparenthesized hangul daenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈑\003211㈑㈑"\u3211"U+3211%E3%88%91parenthesized hangul rieul aparenthesized hangul laenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈒\003212㈒㈒"\u3212"U+3212%E3%88%92parenthesized hangul mieum aparenthesized hangul maenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈓\003213㈓㈓"\u3213"U+3213%E3%88%93parenthesized hangul pieup aparenthesized hangul baenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈔\003214㈔㈔"\u3214"U+3214%E3%88%94parenthesized hangul sios aparenthesized hangul saenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈕\003215㈕㈕"\u3215"U+3215%E3%88%95parenthesized hangul ieung aparenthesized hangul aenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈖\003216㈖㈖"\u3216"U+3216%E3%88%96parenthesized hangul cieuc aparenthesized hangul jaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈗\003217㈗㈗"\u3217"U+3217%E3%88%97parenthesized hangul chieuch aparenthesized hangul caenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈘\003218㈘㈘"\u3218"U+3218%E3%88%98parenthesized hangul khieukh aparenthesized hangul kaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈙\003219㈙㈙"\u3219"U+3219%E3%88%99parenthesized hangul thieuth aparenthesized hangul taenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈚\00321a㈚㈚"\u321A"U+321a%E3%88%9Aparenthesized hangul phieuph aparenthesized hangul paenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈛\00321b㈛㈛"\u321B"U+321b%E3%88%9Bparenthesized hangul hieuh aparenthesized hangul haenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈜\00321c㈜㈜"\u321C"U+321c%E3%88%9Cparenthesized hangul cieuc uparenthesized hangul juenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈝\00321d㈝㈝"\u321D"U+321d%E3%88%9Dparenthesized korean character ojeonenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈞\00321e㈞㈞"\u321E"U+321e%E3%88%9Eparenthesized korean character o huenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈠\003220㈠㈠"\u3220"U+3220%E3%88%A0parenthesized ideograph oneenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈡\003221㈡㈡"\u3221"U+3221%E3%88%A1parenthesized ideograph twoenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈢\003222㈢㈢"\u3222"U+3222%E3%88%A2parenthesized ideograph threeenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈣\003223㈣㈣"\u3223"U+3223%E3%88%A3parenthesized ideograph fourenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈤\003224㈤㈤"\u3224"U+3224%E3%88%A4parenthesized ideograph fiveenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈥\003225㈥㈥"\u3225"U+3225%E3%88%A5parenthesized ideograph sixenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈦\003226㈦㈦"\u3226"U+3226%E3%88%A6parenthesized ideograph sevenenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈧\003227㈧㈧"\u3227"U+3227%E3%88%A7parenthesized ideograph eightenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈨\003228㈨㈨"\u3228"U+3228%E3%88%A8parenthesized ideograph nineenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈩\003229㈩㈩"\u3229"U+3229%E3%88%A9parenthesized ideograph tenenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈪\00322a㈪㈪"\u322A"U+322a%E3%88%AAparenthesized ideograph moonenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈫\00322b㈫㈫"\u322B"U+322b%E3%88%ABparenthesized ideograph fireenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈬\00322c㈬㈬"\u322C"U+322c%E3%88%ACparenthesized ideograph waterenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈭\00322d㈭㈭"\u322D"U+322d%E3%88%ADparenthesized ideograph woodenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈮\00322e㈮㈮"\u322E"U+322e%E3%88%AEparenthesized ideograph metalenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈯\00322f㈯㈯"\u322F"U+322f%E3%88%AFparenthesized ideograph earthenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈰\003230㈰㈰"\u3230"U+3230%E3%88%B0parenthesized ideograph sunenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈱\003231㈱㈱"\u3231"U+3231%E3%88%B1parenthesized ideograph stockenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈲\003232㈲㈲"\u3232"U+3232%E3%88%B2parenthesized ideograph haveenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈳\003233㈳㈳"\u3233"U+3233%E3%88%B3parenthesized ideograph societyenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈴\003234㈴㈴"\u3234"U+3234%E3%88%B4parenthesized ideograph nameenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈵\003235㈵㈵"\u3235"U+3235%E3%88%B5parenthesized ideograph specialenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈶\003236㈶㈶"\u3236"U+3236%E3%88%B6parenthesized ideograph financialenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈷\003237㈷㈷"\u3237"U+3237%E3%88%B7parenthesized ideograph congratulationenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈸\003238㈸㈸"\u3238"U+3238%E3%88%B8parenthesized ideograph laborenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈹\003239㈹㈹"\u3239"U+3239%E3%88%B9parenthesized ideograph representenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈺\00323a㈺㈺"\u323A"U+323a%E3%88%BAparenthesized ideograph callenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈻\00323b㈻㈻"\u323B"U+323b%E3%88%BBparenthesized ideograph studyenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈼\00323c㈼㈼"\u323C"U+323c%E3%88%BCparenthesized ideograph superviseenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈽\00323d㈽㈽"\u323D"U+323d%E3%88%BDparenthesized ideograph enterpriseenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈾\00323e㈾㈾"\u323E"U+323e%E3%88%BEparenthesized ideograph resourceenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㈿\00323f㈿㈿"\u323F"U+323f%E3%88%BFparenthesized ideograph allianceenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉀\003240㉀㉀"\u3240"U+3240%E3%89%80parenthesized ideograph festivalenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉁\003241㉁㉁"\u3241"U+3241%E3%89%81parenthesized ideograph restenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉂\003242㉂㉂"\u3242"U+3242%E3%89%82parenthesized ideograph selfenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉃\003243㉃㉃"\u3243"U+3243%E3%89%83parenthesized ideograph reachenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉄\003244㉄㉄"\u3244"U+3244%E3%89%84circled ideograph questionenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉅\003245㉅㉅"\u3245"U+3245%E3%89%85circled ideograph kindergartenenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉆\003246㉆㉆"\u3246"U+3246%E3%89%86circled ideograph schoolenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉇\003247㉇㉇"\u3247"U+3247%E3%89%87circled ideograph kotoenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉈\003248㉈㉈"\u3248"U+3248%E3%89%88circled number ten on black squarespeed limit 10 km/h(10)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉉\003249㉉㉉"\u3249"U+3249%E3%89%89circled number twenty on black squarespeed limit 20 km/h(20)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉊\00324a㉊㉊"\u324A"U+324a%E3%89%8Acircled number thirty on black squarespeed limit 30 km/h(30)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉋\00324b㉋㉋"\u324B"U+324b%E3%89%8Bcircled number forty on black squarespeed limit 40 km/h(40)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉌\00324c㉌㉌"\u324C"U+324c%E3%89%8Ccircled number fifty on black squarespeed limit 50 km/h(50)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉍\00324d㉍㉍"\u324D"U+324d%E3%89%8Dcircled number sixty on black squarespeed limit 60 km/h(60)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉎\00324e㉎㉎"\u324E"U+324e%E3%89%8Ecircled number seventy on black squarespeed limit 70 km/h(70)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉏\00324f㉏㉏"\u324F"U+324f%E3%89%8Fcircled number eighty on black squarespeed limit 80 km/h(80)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉐\003250㉐㉐"\u3250"U+3250%E3%89%90partnership signenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉑\003251㉑㉑"\u3251"U+3251%E3%89%91circled number twenty one(21)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉒\003252㉒㉒"\u3252"U+3252%E3%89%92circled number twenty two(22)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉓\003253㉓㉓"\u3253"U+3253%E3%89%93circled number twenty three(23)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉔\003254㉔㉔"\u3254"U+3254%E3%89%94circled number twenty four(24)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉕\003255㉕㉕"\u3255"U+3255%E3%89%95circled number twenty five(25)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉖\003256㉖㉖"\u3256"U+3256%E3%89%96circled number twenty six(26)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉗\003257㉗㉗"\u3257"U+3257%E3%89%97circled number twenty seven(27)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉘\003258㉘㉘"\u3258"U+3258%E3%89%98circled number twenty eight(28)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉙\003259㉙㉙"\u3259"U+3259%E3%89%99circled number twenty nine(29)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉚\00325a㉚㉚"\u325A"U+325a%E3%89%9Acircled number thirty(30)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉛\00325b㉛㉛"\u325B"U+325b%E3%89%9Bcircled number thirty one(31)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉜\00325c㉜㉜"\u325C"U+325c%E3%89%9Ccircled number thirty two(32)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉝\00325d㉝㉝"\u325D"U+325d%E3%89%9Dcircled number thirty three(33)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉞\00325e㉞㉞"\u325E"U+325e%E3%89%9Ecircled number thirty four(34)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉟\00325f㉟㉟"\u325F"U+325f%E3%89%9Fcircled number thirty five(35)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉠\003260㉠㉠"\u3260"U+3260%E3%89%A0circled hangul kiyeokcircled hangul giyeogenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉡\003261㉡㉡"\u3261"U+3261%E3%89%A1circled hangul nieunenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉢\003262㉢㉢"\u3262"U+3262%E3%89%A2circled hangul tikeutcircled hangul digeudenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉣\003263㉣㉣"\u3263"U+3263%E3%89%A3circled hangul rieulcircled hangul lieulenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉤\003264㉤㉤"\u3264"U+3264%E3%89%A4circled hangul mieumenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉥\003265㉥㉥"\u3265"U+3265%E3%89%A5circled hangul pieupcircled hangul bieubenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉦\003266㉦㉦"\u3266"U+3266%E3%89%A6circled hangul siosenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉧\003267㉧㉧"\u3267"U+3267%E3%89%A7circled hangul ieungenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉨\003268㉨㉨"\u3268"U+3268%E3%89%A8circled hangul cieuccircled hangul jieujenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉩\003269㉩㉩"\u3269"U+3269%E3%89%A9circled hangul chieuchcircled hangul cieucenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉪\00326a㉪㉪"\u326A"U+326a%E3%89%AAcircled hangul khieukhcircled hangul kiyeokenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉫\00326b㉫㉫"\u326B"U+326b%E3%89%ABcircled hangul thieuthcircled hangul tieutenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉬\00326c㉬㉬"\u326C"U+326c%E3%89%ACcircled hangul phieuphcircled hangul pieupenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉭\00326d㉭㉭"\u326D"U+326d%E3%89%ADcircled hangul hieuhenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉮\00326e㉮㉮"\u326E"U+326e%E3%89%AEcircled hangul kiyeok acircled hangul gaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉯\00326f㉯㉯"\u326F"U+326f%E3%89%AFcircled hangul nieun acircled hangul naenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉰\003270㉰㉰"\u3270"U+3270%E3%89%B0circled hangul tikeut acircled hangul daenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉱\003271㉱㉱"\u3271"U+3271%E3%89%B1circled hangul rieul acircled hangul laenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉲\003272㉲㉲"\u3272"U+3272%E3%89%B2circled hangul mieum acircled hangul maenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉳\003273㉳㉳"\u3273"U+3273%E3%89%B3circled hangul pieup acircled hangul baenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉴\003274㉴㉴"\u3274"U+3274%E3%89%B4circled hangul sios acircled hangul saenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉵\003275㉵㉵"\u3275"U+3275%E3%89%B5circled hangul ieung acircled hangul aenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉶\003276㉶㉶"\u3276"U+3276%E3%89%B6circled hangul cieuc acircled hangul jaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉷\003277㉷㉷"\u3277"U+3277%E3%89%B7circled hangul chieuch acircled hangul caenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉸\003278㉸㉸"\u3278"U+3278%E3%89%B8circled hangul khieukh acircled hangul kaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉹\003279㉹㉹"\u3279"U+3279%E3%89%B9circled hangul thieuth acircled hangul taenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉺\00327a㉺㉺"\u327A"U+327a%E3%89%BAcircled hangul phieuph acircled hangul paenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉻\00327b㉻㉻"\u327B"U+327b%E3%89%BBcircled hangul hieuh acircled hangul haenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉼\00327c㉼㉼"\u327C"U+327c%E3%89%BCcircled korean character chamkoenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉽\00327d㉽㉽"\u327D"U+327d%E3%89%BDcircled korean character jueuienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉾\00327e㉾㉾"\u327E"U+327e%E3%89%BEcircled hangul ieung uenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㉿\00327f㉿㉿"\u327F"U+327f%E3%89%BFkorean standard symbolenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊀\003280㊀㊀"\u3280"U+3280%E3%8A%80circled ideograph onemaru-itisymbol of unificationenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊁\003281㊁㊁"\u3281"U+3281%E3%8A%81circled ideograph twoenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊂\003282㊂㊂"\u3282"U+3282%E3%8A%82circled ideograph threeenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊃\003283㊃㊃"\u3283"U+3283%E3%8A%83circled ideograph fourenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊄\003284㊄㊄"\u3284"U+3284%E3%8A%84circled ideograph fiveenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊅\003285㊅㊅"\u3285"U+3285%E3%8A%85circled ideograph sixenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊆\003286㊆㊆"\u3286"U+3286%E3%8A%86circled ideograph sevenenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊇\003287㊇㊇"\u3287"U+3287%E3%8A%87circled ideograph eightenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊈\003288㊈㊈"\u3288"U+3288%E3%8A%88circled ideograph nineenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊉\003289㊉㊉"\u3289"U+3289%E3%8A%89circled ideograph tenenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊊\00328a㊊㊊"\u328A"U+328a%E3%8A%8Acircled ideograph moonenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊋\00328b㊋㊋"\u328B"U+328b%E3%8A%8Bcircled ideograph fireenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊌\00328c㊌㊌"\u328C"U+328c%E3%8A%8Ccircled ideograph waterenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊍\00328d㊍㊍"\u328D"U+328d%E3%8A%8Dcircled ideograph woodenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊎\00328e㊎㊎"\u328E"U+328e%E3%8A%8Ecircled ideograph metalenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊏\00328f㊏㊏"\u328F"U+328f%E3%8A%8Fcircled ideograph earthenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊐\003290㊐㊐"\u3290"U+3290%E3%8A%90circled ideograph sunenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊑\003291㊑㊑"\u3291"U+3291%E3%8A%91circled ideograph stockenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊒\003292㊒㊒"\u3292"U+3292%E3%8A%92circled ideograph haveenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊓\003293㊓㊓"\u3293"U+3293%E3%8A%93circled ideograph societyenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊔\003294㊔㊔"\u3294"U+3294%E3%8A%94circled ideograph nameenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊕\003295㊕㊕"\u3295"U+3295%E3%8A%95circled ideograph specialenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊖\003296㊖㊖"\u3296"U+3296%E3%8A%96circled ideograph financialenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊗\003297㊗㊗"\u3297"U+3297%E3%8A%97circled ideograph congratulation“congratulations”japaneseJapanese “congratulations” buttonenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊘\003298㊘㊘"\u3298"U+3298%E3%8A%98circled ideograph laborenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊙\003299㊙㊙"\u3299"U+3299%E3%8A%99circled ideograph secret“secret”japaneseJapanese “secret” buttonenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊚\00329a㊚㊚"\u329A"U+329a%E3%8A%9Acircled ideograph maleenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊛\00329b㊛㊛"\u329B"U+329b%E3%8A%9Bcircled ideograph femaleenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊜\00329c㊜㊜"\u329C"U+329c%E3%8A%9Ccircled ideograph suitableenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊝\00329d㊝㊝"\u329D"U+329d%E3%8A%9Dcircled ideograph excellentenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊞\00329e㊞㊞"\u329E"U+329e%E3%8A%9Ecircled ideograph printenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊟\00329f㊟㊟"\u329F"U+329f%E3%8A%9Fcircled ideograph attentionenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊠\0032a0㊠㊠"\u32A0"U+32a0%E3%8A%A0circled ideograph itemenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊡\0032a1㊡㊡"\u32A1"U+32a1%E3%8A%A1circled ideograph restenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊢\0032a2㊢㊢"\u32A2"U+32a2%E3%8A%A2circled ideograph copyenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊣\0032a3㊣㊣"\u32A3"U+32a3%E3%8A%A3circled ideograph correctenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊤\0032a4㊤㊤"\u32A4"U+32a4%E3%8A%A4circled ideograph highenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊥\0032a5㊥㊥"\u32A5"U+32a5%E3%8A%A5circled ideograph centrecircled ideograph centerenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊦\0032a6㊦㊦"\u32A6"U+32a6%E3%8A%A6circled ideograph lowenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊧\0032a7㊧㊧"\u32A7"U+32a7%E3%8A%A7circled ideograph leftenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊨\0032a8㊨㊨"\u32A8"U+32a8%E3%8A%A8circled ideograph rightenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊩\0032a9㊩㊩"\u32A9"U+32a9%E3%8A%A9circled ideograph medicineenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊪\0032aa㊪㊪"\u32AA"U+32aa%E3%8A%AAcircled ideograph religionenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊫\0032ab㊫㊫"\u32AB"U+32ab%E3%8A%ABcircled ideograph studyenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊬\0032ac㊬㊬"\u32AC"U+32ac%E3%8A%ACcircled ideograph superviseenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊭\0032ad㊭㊭"\u32AD"U+32ad%E3%8A%ADcircled ideograph enterpriseenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊮\0032ae㊮㊮"\u32AE"U+32ae%E3%8A%AEcircled ideograph resourceenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊯\0032af㊯㊯"\u32AF"U+32af%E3%8A%AFcircled ideograph allianceenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊰\0032b0㊰㊰"\u32B0"U+32b0%E3%8A%B0circled ideograph nightenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊱\0032b1㊱㊱"\u32B1"U+32b1%E3%8A%B1circled number thirty six(36)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊲\0032b2㊲㊲"\u32B2"U+32b2%E3%8A%B2circled number thirty seven(37)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊳\0032b3㊳㊳"\u32B3"U+32b3%E3%8A%B3circled number thirty eight(38)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊴\0032b4㊴㊴"\u32B4"U+32b4%E3%8A%B4circled number thirty nine(39)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊵\0032b5㊵㊵"\u32B5"U+32b5%E3%8A%B5circled number forty(40)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊶\0032b6㊶㊶"\u32B6"U+32b6%E3%8A%B6circled number forty one(41)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊷\0032b7㊷㊷"\u32B7"U+32b7%E3%8A%B7circled number forty two(42)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊸\0032b8㊸㊸"\u32B8"U+32b8%E3%8A%B8circled number forty three(43)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊹\0032b9㊹㊹"\u32B9"U+32b9%E3%8A%B9circled number forty four(44)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊺\0032ba㊺㊺"\u32BA"U+32ba%E3%8A%BAcircled number forty five(45)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊻\0032bb㊻㊻"\u32BB"U+32bb%E3%8A%BBcircled number forty six(46)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊼\0032bc㊼㊼"\u32BC"U+32bc%E3%8A%BCcircled number forty seven(47)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊽\0032bd㊽㊽"\u32BD"U+32bd%E3%8A%BDcircled number forty eight(48)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊾\0032be㊾㊾"\u32BE"U+32be%E3%8A%BEcircled number forty nine(49)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊿\0032bf㊿㊿"\u32BF"U+32bf%E3%8A%BFcircled number fifty(50)enclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋀\0032c0㋀㋀"\u32C0"U+32c0%E3%8B%80ideographic telegraph symbol for januaryenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋁\0032c1㋁㋁"\u32C1"U+32c1%E3%8B%81ideographic telegraph symbol for februaryenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋂\0032c2㋂㋂"\u32C2"U+32c2%E3%8B%82ideographic telegraph symbol for marchenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋃\0032c3㋃㋃"\u32C3"U+32c3%E3%8B%83ideographic telegraph symbol for aprilenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋄\0032c4㋄㋄"\u32C4"U+32c4%E3%8B%84ideographic telegraph symbol for mayenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋅\0032c5㋅㋅"\u32C5"U+32c5%E3%8B%85ideographic telegraph symbol for juneenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋆\0032c6㋆㋆"\u32C6"U+32c6%E3%8B%86ideographic telegraph symbol for julyenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋇\0032c7㋇㋇"\u32C7"U+32c7%E3%8B%87ideographic telegraph symbol for augustenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋈\0032c8㋈㋈"\u32C8"U+32c8%E3%8B%88ideographic telegraph symbol for septemberenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋉\0032c9㋉㋉"\u32C9"U+32c9%E3%8B%89ideographic telegraph symbol for octoberenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋊\0032ca㋊㋊"\u32CA"U+32ca%E3%8B%8Aideographic telegraph symbol for novemberenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋋\0032cb㋋㋋"\u32CB"U+32cb%E3%8B%8Bideographic telegraph symbol for decemberenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋌\0032cc㋌㋌"\u32CC"U+32cc%E3%8B%8Csquare hgenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋍\0032cd㋍㋍"\u32CD"U+32cd%E3%8B%8Dsquare ergenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋎\0032ce㋎㋎"\u32CE"U+32ce%E3%8B%8Esquare evenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋏\0032cf㋏㋏"\u32CF"U+32cf%E3%8B%8Flimited liability signenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋐\0032d0㋐㋐"\u32D0"U+32d0%E3%8B%90circled katakana aenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋑\0032d1㋑㋑"\u32D1"U+32d1%E3%8B%91circled katakana ienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋒\0032d2㋒㋒"\u32D2"U+32d2%E3%8B%92circled katakana uenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋓\0032d3㋓㋓"\u32D3"U+32d3%E3%8B%93circled katakana eenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋔\0032d4㋔㋔"\u32D4"U+32d4%E3%8B%94circled katakana oenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋕\0032d5㋕㋕"\u32D5"U+32d5%E3%8B%95circled katakana kaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋖\0032d6㋖㋖"\u32D6"U+32d6%E3%8B%96circled katakana kienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋗\0032d7㋗㋗"\u32D7"U+32d7%E3%8B%97circled katakana kuenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋘\0032d8㋘㋘"\u32D8"U+32d8%E3%8B%98circled katakana keenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋙\0032d9㋙㋙"\u32D9"U+32d9%E3%8B%99circled katakana koenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋚\0032da㋚㋚"\u32DA"U+32da%E3%8B%9Acircled katakana saenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋛\0032db㋛㋛"\u32DB"U+32db%E3%8B%9Bcircled katakana sienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋜\0032dc㋜㋜"\u32DC"U+32dc%E3%8B%9Ccircled katakana suenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋝\0032dd㋝㋝"\u32DD"U+32dd%E3%8B%9Dcircled katakana seenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋞\0032de㋞㋞"\u32DE"U+32de%E3%8B%9Ecircled katakana soenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋟\0032df㋟㋟"\u32DF"U+32df%E3%8B%9Fcircled katakana taenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋠\0032e0㋠㋠"\u32E0"U+32e0%E3%8B%A0circled katakana tienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋡\0032e1㋡㋡"\u32E1"U+32e1%E3%8B%A1circled katakana tuenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋢\0032e2㋢㋢"\u32E2"U+32e2%E3%8B%A2circled katakana teenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋣\0032e3㋣㋣"\u32E3"U+32e3%E3%8B%A3circled katakana toenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋤\0032e4㋤㋤"\u32E4"U+32e4%E3%8B%A4circled katakana naenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋥\0032e5㋥㋥"\u32E5"U+32e5%E3%8B%A5circled katakana nienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋦\0032e6㋦㋦"\u32E6"U+32e6%E3%8B%A6circled katakana nuenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋧\0032e7㋧㋧"\u32E7"U+32e7%E3%8B%A7circled katakana neenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋨\0032e8㋨㋨"\u32E8"U+32e8%E3%8B%A8circled katakana noenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋩\0032e9㋩㋩"\u32E9"U+32e9%E3%8B%A9circled katakana haenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋪\0032ea㋪㋪"\u32EA"U+32ea%E3%8B%AAcircled katakana hienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋫\0032eb㋫㋫"\u32EB"U+32eb%E3%8B%ABcircled katakana huenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋬\0032ec㋬㋬"\u32EC"U+32ec%E3%8B%ACcircled katakana heenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋭\0032ed㋭㋭"\u32ED"U+32ed%E3%8B%ADcircled katakana hoenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋮\0032ee㋮㋮"\u32EE"U+32ee%E3%8B%AEcircled katakana maenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋯\0032ef㋯㋯"\u32EF"U+32ef%E3%8B%AFcircled katakana mienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋰\0032f0㋰㋰"\u32F0"U+32f0%E3%8B%B0circled katakana muenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋱\0032f1㋱㋱"\u32F1"U+32f1%E3%8B%B1circled katakana meenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋲\0032f2㋲㋲"\u32F2"U+32f2%E3%8B%B2circled katakana moenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋳\0032f3㋳㋳"\u32F3"U+32f3%E3%8B%B3circled katakana yaenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋴\0032f4㋴㋴"\u32F4"U+32f4%E3%8B%B4circled katakana yuenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋵\0032f5㋵㋵"\u32F5"U+32f5%E3%8B%B5circled katakana yoenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋶\0032f6㋶㋶"\u32F6"U+32f6%E3%8B%B6circled katakana raenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋷\0032f7㋷㋷"\u32F7"U+32f7%E3%8B%B7circled katakana rienclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋸\0032f8㋸㋸"\u32F8"U+32f8%E3%8B%B8circled katakana ruenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋹\0032f9㋹㋹"\u32F9"U+32f9%E3%8B%B9circled katakana reenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㋺\0032fa㋺㋺"\u32FA"U+32fa%E3%8B%BAcircled katakana roenclosed cjk letters and months
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