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- ·\0000b7··"\u00B7"U+b7%C2%B7·middle dotmidpoint (in typography)georgian commagreek middle dot (ano teleia)·html entities·interpunctmiddotproductlatin-1 supplement
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- ἀ\001f00ἀἀ"\u1F00"U+1f00%E1%BC%80greek small letter alpha psiligreek extended
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- Ἆ\001f0eἎἎ"\u1F0E"U+1f0e%E1%BC%8Egreek capital letter alpha psili and perispomenigreek extended
- Ἇ\001f0fἏἏ"\u1F0F"U+1f0f%E1%BC%8Fgreek capital letter alpha dasia and perispomenigreek extended
- ἐ\001f10ἐἐ"\u1F10"U+1f10%E1%BC%90greek small letter epsilon psiligreek extended
- ἑ\001f11ἑἑ"\u1F11"U+1f11%E1%BC%91greek small letter epsilon dasiagreek extended
- ἒ\001f12ἒἒ"\u1F12"U+1f12%E1%BC%92greek small letter epsilon psili and variagreek extended
- ἓ\001f13ἓἓ"\u1F13"U+1f13%E1%BC%93greek small letter epsilon dasia and variagreek extended
- ἔ\001f14ἔἔ"\u1F14"U+1f14%E1%BC%94greek small letter epsilon psili and oxiagreek extended
- ἕ\001f15ἕἕ"\u1F15"U+1f15%E1%BC%95greek small letter epsilon dasia and oxiagreek extended
- Ἐ\001f18ἘἘ"\u1F18"U+1f18%E1%BC%98greek capital letter epsilon psiligreek extended
- Ἑ\001f19ἙἙ"\u1F19"U+1f19%E1%BC%99greek capital letter epsilon dasiagreek extended
- Ἒ\001f1aἚἚ"\u1F1A"U+1f1a%E1%BC%9Agreek capital letter epsilon psili and variagreek extended
- Ἓ\001f1bἛἛ"\u1F1B"U+1f1b%E1%BC%9Bgreek capital letter epsilon dasia and variagreek extended
- Ἔ\001f1cἜἜ"\u1F1C"U+1f1c%E1%BC%9Cgreek capital letter epsilon psili and oxiagreek extended
- Ἕ\001f1dἝἝ"\u1F1D"U+1f1d%E1%BC%9Dgreek capital letter epsilon dasia and oxiagreek extended
- ἠ\001f20ἠἠ"\u1F20"U+1f20%E1%BC%A0greek small letter eta psiligreek extended
- ἡ\001f21ἡἡ"\u1F21"U+1f21%E1%BC%A1greek small letter eta dasiagreek extended
- ἢ\001f22ἢἢ"\u1F22"U+1f22%E1%BC%A2greek small letter eta psili and variagreek extended
- ἣ\001f23ἣἣ"\u1F23"U+1f23%E1%BC%A3greek small letter eta dasia and variagreek extended
- ἤ\001f24ἤἤ"\u1F24"U+1f24%E1%BC%A4greek small letter eta psili and oxiagreek extended
- ἥ\001f25ἥἥ"\u1F25"U+1f25%E1%BC%A5greek small letter eta dasia and oxiagreek extended
- ἦ\001f26ἦἦ"\u1F26"U+1f26%E1%BC%A6greek small letter eta psili and perispomenigreek extended
- ἧ\001f27ἧἧ"\u1F27"U+1f27%E1%BC%A7greek small letter eta dasia and perispomenigreek extended
- Ἠ\001f28ἨἨ"\u1F28"U+1f28%E1%BC%A8greek capital letter eta psiligreek extended
- Ἡ\001f29ἩἩ"\u1F29"U+1f29%E1%BC%A9greek capital letter eta dasiagreek extended
- Ἢ\001f2aἪἪ"\u1F2A"U+1f2a%E1%BC%AAgreek capital letter eta psili and variagreek extended
- Ἣ\001f2bἫἫ"\u1F2B"U+1f2b%E1%BC%ABgreek capital letter eta dasia and variagreek extended
- Ἤ\001f2cἬἬ"\u1F2C"U+1f2c%E1%BC%ACgreek capital letter eta psili and oxiagreek extended
- Ἥ\001f2dἭἭ"\u1F2D"U+1f2d%E1%BC%ADgreek capital letter eta dasia and oxiagreek extended
- Ἦ\001f2eἮἮ"\u1F2E"U+1f2e%E1%BC%AEgreek capital letter eta psili and perispomenigreek extended
- Ἧ\001f2fἯἯ"\u1F2F"U+1f2f%E1%BC%AFgreek capital letter eta dasia and perispomenigreek extended
- ἰ\001f30ἰἰ"\u1F30"U+1f30%E1%BC%B0greek small letter iota psiligreek extended
- ἱ\001f31ἱἱ"\u1F31"U+1f31%E1%BC%B1greek small letter iota dasiagreek extended
- ἲ\001f32ἲἲ"\u1F32"U+1f32%E1%BC%B2greek small letter iota psili and variagreek extended
- ἳ\001f33ἳἳ"\u1F33"U+1f33%E1%BC%B3greek small letter iota dasia and variagreek extended
- ἴ\001f34ἴἴ"\u1F34"U+1f34%E1%BC%B4greek small letter iota psili and oxiagreek extended
- ἵ\001f35ἵἵ"\u1F35"U+1f35%E1%BC%B5greek small letter iota dasia and oxiagreek extended
- ἶ\001f36ἶἶ"\u1F36"U+1f36%E1%BC%B6greek small letter iota psili and perispomenigreek extended
- ἷ\001f37ἷἷ"\u1F37"U+1f37%E1%BC%B7greek small letter iota dasia and perispomenigreek extended
- Ἰ\001f38ἸἸ"\u1F38"U+1f38%E1%BC%B8greek capital letter iota psiligreek extended
- Ἱ\001f39ἹἹ"\u1F39"U+1f39%E1%BC%B9greek capital letter iota dasiagreek extended
- Ἲ\001f3aἺἺ"\u1F3A"U+1f3a%E1%BC%BAgreek capital letter iota psili and variagreek extended
- Ἳ\001f3bἻἻ"\u1F3B"U+1f3b%E1%BC%BBgreek capital letter iota dasia and variagreek extended
- Ἴ\001f3cἼἼ"\u1F3C"U+1f3c%E1%BC%BCgreek capital letter iota psili and oxiagreek extended
- Ἵ\001f3dἽἽ"\u1F3D"U+1f3d%E1%BC%BDgreek capital letter iota dasia and oxiagreek extended
- Ἶ\001f3eἾἾ"\u1F3E"U+1f3e%E1%BC%BEgreek capital letter iota psili and perispomenigreek extended
- Ἷ\001f3fἿἿ"\u1F3F"U+1f3f%E1%BC%BFgreek capital letter iota dasia and perispomenigreek extended
- ὀ\001f40ὀὀ"\u1F40"U+1f40%E1%BD%80greek small letter omicron psiligreek extended
- ὁ\001f41ὁὁ"\u1F41"U+1f41%E1%BD%81greek small letter omicron dasiagreek extended
- ὂ\001f42ὂὂ"\u1F42"U+1f42%E1%BD%82greek small letter omicron psili and variagreek extended
- ὃ\001f43ὃὃ"\u1F43"U+1f43%E1%BD%83greek small letter omicron dasia and variagreek extended
- ὄ\001f44ὄὄ"\u1F44"U+1f44%E1%BD%84greek small letter omicron psili and oxiagreek extended
- ὅ\001f45ὅὅ"\u1F45"U+1f45%E1%BD%85greek small letter omicron dasia and oxiagreek extended
- Ὀ\001f48ὈὈ"\u1F48"U+1f48%E1%BD%88greek capital letter omicron psiligreek extended
- Ὁ\001f49ὉὉ"\u1F49"U+1f49%E1%BD%89greek capital letter omicron dasiagreek extended
- Ὂ\001f4aὊὊ"\u1F4A"U+1f4a%E1%BD%8Agreek capital letter omicron psili and variagreek extended
- Ὃ\001f4bὋὋ"\u1F4B"U+1f4b%E1%BD%8Bgreek capital letter omicron dasia and variagreek extended
- Ὄ\001f4cὌὌ"\u1F4C"U+1f4c%E1%BD%8Cgreek capital letter omicron psili and oxiagreek extended
- Ὅ\001f4dὍὍ"\u1F4D"U+1f4d%E1%BD%8Dgreek capital letter omicron dasia and oxiagreek extended
- ὐ\001f50ὐὐ"\u1F50"U+1f50%E1%BD%90greek small letter upsilon psiligreek extended
- ὑ\001f51ὑὑ"\u1F51"U+1f51%E1%BD%91greek small letter upsilon dasiagreek extended
- ὒ\001f52ὒὒ"\u1F52"U+1f52%E1%BD%92greek small letter upsilon psili and variagreek extended
- ὓ\001f53ὓὓ"\u1F53"U+1f53%E1%BD%93greek small letter upsilon dasia and variagreek extended
- ὔ\001f54ὔὔ"\u1F54"U+1f54%E1%BD%94greek small letter upsilon psili and oxiagreek extended
- ὕ\001f55ὕὕ"\u1F55"U+1f55%E1%BD%95greek small letter upsilon dasia and oxiagreek extended
- ὖ\001f56ὖὖ"\u1F56"U+1f56%E1%BD%96greek small letter upsilon psili and perispomenigreek extended
- ὗ\001f57ὗὗ"\u1F57"U+1f57%E1%BD%97greek small letter upsilon dasia and perispomenigreek extended
- Ὑ\001f59ὙὙ"\u1F59"U+1f59%E1%BD%99greek capital letter upsilon dasiagreek extended
- Ὓ\001f5bὛὛ"\u1F5B"U+1f5b%E1%BD%9Bgreek capital letter upsilon dasia and variagreek extended
- Ὕ\001f5dὝὝ"\u1F5D"U+1f5d%E1%BD%9Dgreek capital letter upsilon dasia and oxiagreek extended
- Ὗ\001f5fὟὟ"\u1F5F"U+1f5f%E1%BD%9Fgreek capital letter upsilon dasia and perispomenigreek extended
- ὠ\001f60ὠὠ"\u1F60"U+1f60%E1%BD%A0greek small letter omega psiligreek extended
- ὡ\001f61ὡὡ"\u1F61"U+1f61%E1%BD%A1greek small letter omega dasiagreek extended
- ὢ\001f62ὢὢ"\u1F62"U+1f62%E1%BD%A2greek small letter omega psili and variagreek extended
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