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- �\000001——"\u0001"U+1%01start of headingsohbasic latin
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- ⭦\002b66⭦⭦"\u2B66"U+2b66%E2%AD%A6north west triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭧\002b67⭧⭧"\u2B67"U+2b67%E2%AD%A7north east triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭨\002b68⭨⭨"\u2B68"U+2b68%E2%AD%A8south east triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭩\002b69⭩⭩"\u2B69"U+2b69%E2%AD%A9south west triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭪\002b6a⭪⭪"\u2B6A"U+2b6a%E2%AD%AAleftwards triangle-headed dashed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭫\002b6b⭫⭫"\u2B6B"U+2b6b%E2%AD%ABupwards triangle-headed dashed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭬\002b6c⭬⭬"\u2B6C"U+2b6c%E2%AD%ACrightwards triangle-headed dashed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭭\002b6d⭭⭭"\u2B6D"U+2b6d%E2%AD%ADdownwards triangle-headed dashed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭮\002b6e⭮⭮"\u2B6E"U+2b6e%E2%AD%AEclockwise triangle-headed open circle arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭯\002b6f⭯⭯"\u2B6F"U+2b6f%E2%AD%AFanticlockwise triangle-headed open circle arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭰\002b70⭰⭰"\u2B70"U+2b70%E2%AD%B0leftwards triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭱\002b71⭱⭱"\u2B71"U+2b71%E2%AD%B1upwards triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭲\002b72⭲⭲"\u2B72"U+2b72%E2%AD%B2rightwards triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭳\002b73⭳⭳"\u2B73"U+2b73%E2%AD%B3downwards triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭶\002b76⭶⭶"\u2B76"U+2b76%E2%AD%B6north west triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭷\002b77⭷⭷"\u2B77"U+2b77%E2%AD%B7north east triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭸\002b78⭸⭸"\u2B78"U+2b78%E2%AD%B8south east triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭹\002b79⭹⭹"\u2B79"U+2b79%E2%AD%B9south west triangle-headed arrow to barmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭺\002b7a⭺⭺"\u2B7A"U+2b7a%E2%AD%BAleftwards triangle-headed arrow double horizontal strokemiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭻\002b7b⭻⭻"\u2B7B"U+2b7b%E2%AD%BBupwards triangle-headed arrow double horizontal strokemiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭼\002b7c⭼⭼"\u2B7C"U+2b7c%E2%AD%BCrightwards triangle-headed arrow double horizontal strokemiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⭽\002b7d⭽⭽"\u2B7D"U+2b7d%E2%AD%BDdownwards triangle-headed arrow double horizontal strokemiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮀\002b80⮀⮀"\u2B80"U+2b80%E2%AE%80leftwards triangle-headed arrow over rightwards triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮁\002b81⮁⮁"\u2B81"U+2b81%E2%AE%81upwards triangle-headed arrow leftwards of downwards triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮂\002b82⮂⮂"\u2B82"U+2b82%E2%AE%82rightwards triangle-headed arrow over leftwards triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮃\002b83⮃⮃"\u2B83"U+2b83%E2%AE%83downwards triangle-headed arrow leftwards of upwards triangle-headed arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮄\002b84⮄⮄"\u2B84"U+2b84%E2%AE%84leftwards triangle-headed paired arrowsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮅\002b85⮅⮅"\u2B85"U+2b85%E2%AE%85upwards triangle-headed paired arrowsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮆\002b86⮆⮆"\u2B86"U+2b86%E2%AE%86rightwards triangle-headed paired arrowsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮇\002b87⮇⮇"\u2B87"U+2b87%E2%AE%87downwards triangle-headed paired arrowsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮌\002b8c⮌⮌"\u2B8C"U+2b8c%E2%AE%8Canticlockwise triangle-headed right u-shaped arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮍\002b8d⮍⮍"\u2B8D"U+2b8d%E2%AE%8Danticlockwise triangle-headed bottom u-shaped arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮎\002b8e⮎⮎"\u2B8E"U+2b8e%E2%AE%8Eanticlockwise triangle-headed left u-shaped arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮏\002b8f⮏⮏"\u2B8F"U+2b8f%E2%AE%8Fanticlockwise triangle-headed top u-shaped arrowmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮠\002ba0⮠⮠"\u2BA0"U+2ba0%E2%AE%A0downwards triangle-headed arrow long tip leftwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮡\002ba1⮡⮡"\u2BA1"U+2ba1%E2%AE%A1downwards triangle-headed arrow long tip rightwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮢\002ba2⮢⮢"\u2BA2"U+2ba2%E2%AE%A2upwards triangle-headed arrow long tip leftwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮣\002ba3⮣⮣"\u2BA3"U+2ba3%E2%AE%A3upwards triangle-headed arrow long tip rightwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮤\002ba4⮤⮤"\u2BA4"U+2ba4%E2%AE%A4leftwards triangle-headed arrow long tip upwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮥\002ba5⮥⮥"\u2BA5"U+2ba5%E2%AE%A5rightwards triangle-headed arrow long tip upwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮦\002ba6⮦⮦"\u2BA6"U+2ba6%E2%AE%A6leftwards triangle-headed arrow long tip downwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⮧\002ba7⮧⮧"\u2BA7"U+2ba7%E2%AE%A7rightwards triangle-headed arrow long tip downwardsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⯬\002bec⯬⯬"\u2BEC"U+2bec%E2%AF%ACleftwards two-headed arrow triangle arrowheadsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⯭\002bed⯭⯭"\u2BED"U+2bed%E2%AF%ADupwards two-headed arrow triangle arrowheadsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⯮\002bee⯮⯮"\u2BEE"U+2bee%E2%AF%AErightwards two-headed arrow triangle arrowheadsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⯯\002bef⯯⯯"\u2BEF"U+2bef%E2%AF%AFdownwards two-headed arrow triangle arrowheadsmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⼼\002f3c⼼⼼"\u2F3C"U+2f3c%E2%BC%BCkangxi radical heartkangxi radicals
- ⾸\002fb8⾸⾸"\u2FB8"U+2fb8%E2%BE%B8kangxi radical headkangxi radicals
- ㆝\00319d㆝㆝"\u319D"U+319d%E3%86%9Dideographic annotation heaven markkaeriten tenkanbun
- ䷀\004dc0䷀䷀"\u4DC0"U+4dc0%E4%B7%80hexagram for creative heavenyijing hexagram symbols
- ꡴\00a874꡴꡴"\uA874"U+a874%EA%A1%B4phags-pa single head markphags-pa
- ꡵\00a875꡵꡵"\uA875"U+a875%EA%A1%B5phags-pa double head markphags-pa
- 𑧣\0119e3𑧣𑧣"\uD806\uDDE3"U+119e3%F0%91%A7%A3nandinagari headstrokenandinagari
- 𑨿\011a3f𑨿𑨿"\uD806\uDE3F"U+11a3f%F0%91%A8%BFzanabazar square initial head markzanabazar square
- 𑩀\011a40𑩀𑩀"\uD806\uDE40"U+11a40%F0%91%A9%80zanabazar square closing head markzanabazar square
- 𑩅\011a45𑩅𑩅"\uD806\uDE45"U+11a45%F0%91%A9%85zanabazar square initial double-lined head markzanabazar square
- 𑩆\011a46𑩆𑩆"\uD806\uDE46"U+11a46%F0%91%A9%86zanabazar square closing double-lined head markzanabazar square
- 𑪞\011a9e𑪞𑪞"\uD806\uDE9E"U+11a9e%F0%91%AA%9Esoyombo head mark moon and sun and triple flamesoyombo
- 𑪟\011a9f𑪟𑪟"\uD806\uDE9F"U+11a9f%F0%91%AA%9Fsoyombo head mark moon and sun and flamesoyombo
- 𑪠\011aa0𑪠𑪠"\uD806\uDEA0"U+11aa0%F0%91%AA%A0soyombo head mark moon and sunsoyombo
- 𑱰\011c70𑱰𑱰"\uD807\uDC70"U+11c70%F0%91%B1%B0marchen head markmarchen
- 𝧿\01d9ff𝧿𝧿"\uD836\uDDFF"U+1d9ff%F0%9D%A7%BFsignwriting headsutton signwriting
- 𝨀\01da00𝨀𝨀"\uD836\uDE00"U+1da00%F0%9D%A8%80signwriting head rimsutton signwriting
- 𝨁\01da01𝨁𝨁"\uD836\uDE01"U+1da01%F0%9D%A8%81signwriting head movement-wallplane straightsutton signwriting
- 𝨂\01da02𝨂𝨂"\uD836\uDE02"U+1da02%F0%9D%A8%82signwriting head movement-wallplane tiltsutton signwriting
- 𝨃\01da03𝨃𝨃"\uD836\uDE03"U+1da03%F0%9D%A8%83signwriting head movement-floorplane straightsutton signwriting
- 𝨄\01da04𝨄𝨄"\uD836\uDE04"U+1da04%F0%9D%A8%84signwriting head movement-wallplane curvesutton signwriting
- 𝨅\01da05𝨅𝨅"\uD836\uDE05"U+1da05%F0%9D%A8%85signwriting head movement-floorplane curvesutton signwriting
- 𝨆\01da06𝨆𝨆"\uD836\uDE06"U+1da06%F0%9D%A8%86signwriting head movement circlesutton signwriting
- 𝪄\01da84𝪄𝪄"\uD836\uDE84"U+1da84%F0%9D%AA%84signwriting location head necksutton signwriting
- 🂱\01f0b1🂱🂱"\uD83C\uDCB1"U+1f0b1%F0%9F%82%B1playing card ace of heartsplaying cards
- 🂲\01f0b2🂲🂲"\uD83C\uDCB2"U+1f0b2%F0%9F%82%B2playing card two of heartsplaying cards
- 🂳\01f0b3🂳🂳"\uD83C\uDCB3"U+1f0b3%F0%9F%82%B3playing card three of heartsplaying cards
- 🂴\01f0b4🂴🂴"\uD83C\uDCB4"U+1f0b4%F0%9F%82%B4playing card four of heartsplaying cards
- 🂵\01f0b5🂵🂵"\uD83C\uDCB5"U+1f0b5%F0%9F%82%B5playing card five of heartsplaying cards
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