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- ‐\002010‐‐"\u2010"U+2010%E2%80%90‐hyphenhtml entities‐dashgeneral punctuation
- -\00002d--"-"U+2d-hyphen-minusdashminus signwormoptiondakbithorpebasic latin
- ⁃\002043⁃⁃"\u2043"U+2043%E2%81%83⁃hyphen bullethtml entitiesgeneral punctuation
- ⸚\002e1a⸚⸚"\u2E1A"U+2e1a%E2%B8%9Ahyphen diaeresissupplemental punctuation
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- ͜\00035c͜͜"\u035C"U+35c%CD%9Ccombining double breve belowligature tie belowpapyrological hyphencombining diacritical marks
- ֊\00058a֊֊"\u058A"U+58a%D6%8Aarmenian hyphenyentamnaarmenian
- ᐀\001400᐀᐀"\u1400"U+1400%E1%90%80canadian syllabics hyphenunified canadian aboriginal syllabics
- ᭠\001b60᭠᭠"\u1B60"U+1b60%E1%AD%A0balinese pamenengline-breaking hyphenbalinese
- ‑\002011‑‑"\u2011"U+2011%E2%80%91non-breaking hyphengeneral punctuation
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- ⸗\002e17⸗⸗"\u2E17"U+2e17%E2%B8%97double oblique hyphensupplemental punctuation
- ⹀\002e40⹀⹀"\u2E40"U+2e40%E2%B9%80double hyphensupplemental punctuation
- ⹝\002e5d⹝⹝"\u2E5D"U+2e5d%E2%B9%9Doblique hyphensupplemental punctuation
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- ﹣\00fe63﹣﹣"\uFE63"U+fe63%EF%B9%A3small hyphen-minussmall form variants
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- ‧\002027‧‧"\u2027"U+2027%E2%80%A7hyphenation pointdashgeneral punctuation
- 𐺭\010ead𐺭𐺭"\uD803\uDEAD"U+10ead%F0%90%BA%ADyezidi hyphenation markyezidi
* These are known as Unicode.
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