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- ⿰—\002ff0⿰⿰"\u2FF0"U+2ff0%E2%BF%B0ideographic description character left to rightideographic description characters
- ⿱—\002ff1⿱⿱"\u2FF1"U+2ff1%E2%BF%B1ideographic description character above to belowideographic description characters
- ⿲—\002ff2⿲⿲"\u2FF2"U+2ff2%E2%BF%B2ideographic description character left to middle and rightideographic description characters
- ⿳—\002ff3⿳⿳"\u2FF3"U+2ff3%E2%BF%B3ideographic description character above to middle and belowideographic description characters
- ⿴—\002ff4⿴⿴"\u2FF4"U+2ff4%E2%BF%B4ideographic description character full surroundideographic description characters
- ⿵—\002ff5⿵⿵"\u2FF5"U+2ff5%E2%BF%B5ideographic description character surround from aboveideographic description characters
- ⿶—\002ff6⿶⿶"\u2FF6"U+2ff6%E2%BF%B6ideographic description character surround from belowideographic description characters
- ⿷—\002ff7⿷⿷"\u2FF7"U+2ff7%E2%BF%B7ideographic description character surround from leftideographic description characters
- ⿸—\002ff8⿸⿸"\u2FF8"U+2ff8%E2%BF%B8ideographic description character surround from upper leftideographic description characters
- ⿹—\002ff9⿹⿹"\u2FF9"U+2ff9%E2%BF%B9ideographic description character surround from upper rightideographic description characters
- ⿺—\002ffa⿺⿺"\u2FFA"U+2ffa%E2%BF%BAideographic description character surround from lower leftideographic description characters
- ⿻—\002ffb⿻⿻"\u2FFB"U+2ffb%E2%BF%BBideographic description character overlaidideographic description characters
- —\002ffc⿼⿼"\u2FFC"U+2ffc%E2%BF%BCideographic description character surround from rightideographic description characters
- —\002ffd⿽⿽"\u2FFD"U+2ffd%E2%BF%BDideographic description character surround from lower rightideographic description characters
- —\002ffe⿾⿾"\u2FFE"U+2ffe%E2%BF%BEideographic description character horizontal reflectionideographic description characters
- —\002fff⿿⿿"\u2FFF"U+2fff%E2%BF%BFideographic description character rotationideographic description characters
* These are known as Unicode.
① Type in the search box, or
② Click a pre-made search
③ Select and click a character to copy it (look for the ⧉ and
④ Explore & have fun!