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- ☇—\002607☇☇"\u2607"U+2607%E2%98%87lightningweathermeteorologymiscellaneous symbols
- ⛈—\0026c8⛈⛈"\u26C8"U+26c8%E2%9B%88thunder cloud and rainthunderstormlightningcloud lightning and rainweathermeteorologymiscellaneous symbols
- ⚡—\0026a1⚡⚡"\u26A1"U+26a1%E2%9A%A1high voltage signthunderboltlightning symboldangerelectricitynaturezapmiscellaneous symbols
- 🗱—\01f5f1🗱🗱"\uD83D\uDDF1"U+1f5f1%F0%9F%97%B1lightning mood bubbleupdatedmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🗲—\01f5f2🗲🗲"\uD83D\uDDF2"U+1f5f2%F0%9F%97%B2lightning moodlightning boltmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🌩—\01f329🌩🌩"\uD83C\uDF29"U+1f329%F0%9F%8C%A9cloud lightningthunderstormweathermiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🖄—\01f584🖄🖄"\uD83D\uDD84"U+1f584%F0%9F%96%84envelope lightninge-mailmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- ⛈️—\0026c8\00fe0f⛈️⛈️"\u26C8\uFE0F"U+26c8 U+fe0f%E2%9B%88%EF%B8%8Fcloud lightning and rainmiscellaneous symbols
- 🌩️—\01f329\00fe0f🌩️🌩️"\uD83C\uDF29\uFE0F"U+1f329 U+fe0f%F0%9F%8C%A9%EF%B8%8Fcloud lightningmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
* These are known as Unicode.
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