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- Ά—\000386ΆΆ"\u0386"U+386%CE%86greek capital letter alpha tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Έ—\000388ΈΈ"\u0388"U+388%CE%88greek capital letter epsilon tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ή—\000389ΉΉ"\u0389"U+389%CE%89greek capital letter eta tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ί—\00038aΊΊ"\u038A"U+38a%CE%8Agreek capital letter iota tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ό—\00038cΌΌ"\u038C"U+38c%CE%8Cgreek capital letter omicron tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ύ—\00038eΎΎ"\u038E"U+38e%CE%8Egreek capital letter upsilon tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ώ—\00038fΏΏ"\u038F"U+38f%CE%8Fgreek capital letter omega tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ΐ—\000390ΐΐ"\u0390"U+390%CE%90greek small letter iota dialytika and tonosgreek small letter iota diaeresis tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Α—\000391ΑΑ"\u0391"U+391%CE%91Αgreek capital letter alphahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Β—\000392ΒΒ"\u0392"U+392%CE%92Βgreek capital letter betahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Γ—\000393ΓΓ"\u0393"U+393%CE%93Γgreek capital letter gammagamma functionhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Δ—\000394ΔΔ"\u0394"U+394%CE%94Δgreek capital letter deltahtml entitiestrianglemajor 7 chordmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ε—\000395ΕΕ"\u0395"U+395%CE%95Εgreek capital letter epsilonhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ζ—\000396ΖΖ"\u0396"U+396%CE%96Ζgreek capital letter zetahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Η—\000397ΗΗ"\u0397"U+397%CE%97Ηgreek capital letter etahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Θ—\000398ΘΘ"\u0398"U+398%CE%98Θgreek capital letter thetahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ι—\000399ΙΙ"\u0399"U+399%CE%99Ιgreek capital letter iotaiota adscripthtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Κ—\00039aΚΚ"\u039A"U+39a%CE%9AΚgreek capital letter kappahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Λ—\00039bΛΛ"\u039B"U+39b%CE%9BΛgreek capital letter lamdagreek capital letter lambdahtml entitiestrianglemodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Μ—\00039cΜΜ"\u039C"U+39c%CE%9CΜgreek capital letter muhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ν—\00039dΝΝ"\u039D"U+39d%CE%9DΝgreek capital letter nuhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ξ—\00039eΞΞ"\u039E"U+39e%CE%9EΞgreek capital letter xihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ο—\00039fΟΟ"\u039F"U+39f%CE%9FΟgreek capital letter omicronhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Π—\0003a0ΠΠ"\u03A0"U+3a0%CE%A0Πgreek capital letter pihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ρ—\0003a1ΡΡ"\u03A1"U+3a1%CE%A1Ρgreek capital letter rhohtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Σ—\0003a3ΣΣ"\u03A3"U+3a3%CE%A3Σgreek capital letter sigmahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Τ—\0003a4ΤΤ"\u03A4"U+3a4%CE%A4Τgreek capital letter tauhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Υ—\0003a5ΥΥ"\u03A5"U+3a5%CE%A5Υgreek capital letter upsilonhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Φ—\0003a6ΦΦ"\u03A6"U+3a6%CE%A6Φgreek capital letter phihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Χ—\0003a7ΧΧ"\u03A7"U+3a7%CE%A7Χgreek capital letter chihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ψ—\0003a8ΨΨ"\u03A8"U+3a8%CE%A8Ψgreek capital letter psihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ω—\0003a9ΩΩ"\u03A9"U+3a9%CE%A9Ωgreek capital letter omegahtml entitiesΩmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ϊ—\0003aaΪΪ"\u03AA"U+3aa%CE%AAgreek capital letter iota dialytikagreek capital letter iota diaeresismodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ϋ—\0003abΫΫ"\u03AB"U+3ab%CE%ABgreek capital letter upsilon dialytikagreek capital letter upsilon diaeresismodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ά—\0003acάά"\u03AC"U+3ac%CE%ACgreek small letter alpha tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- έ—\0003adέέ"\u03AD"U+3ad%CE%ADgreek small letter epsilon tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ή—\0003aeήή"\u03AE"U+3ae%CE%AEgreek small letter eta tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ί—\0003afίί"\u03AF"U+3af%CE%AFgreek small letter iota tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ΰ—\0003b0ΰΰ"\u03B0"U+3b0%CE%B0greek small letter upsilon dialytika and tonosgreek small letter upsilon diaeresis tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- α—\0003b1αα"\u03B1"U+3b1%CE%B1αgreek small letter alphahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- β—\0003b2ββ"\u03B2"U+3b2%CE%B2βgreek small letter betahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- γ—\0003b3γγ"\u03B3"U+3b3%CE%B3γgreek small letter gammahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- δ—\0003b4δδ"\u03B4"U+3b4%CE%B4δgreek small letter deltahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ε—\0003b5εε"\u03B5"U+3b5%CE%B5εgreek small letter epsilonεhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ζ—\0003b6ζζ"\u03B6"U+3b6%CE%B6ζgreek small letter zetahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- η—\0003b7ηη"\u03B7"U+3b7%CE%B7ηgreek small letter etahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- θ—\0003b8θθ"\u03B8"U+3b8%CE%B8θgreek small letter thetahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ι—\0003b9ιι"\u03B9"U+3b9%CE%B9ιgreek small letter iotahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- κ—\0003baκκ"\u03BA"U+3ba%CE%BAκgreek small letter kappahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- λ—\0003bbλλ"\u03BB"U+3bb%CE%BBλgreek small letter lamdagreek small letter lambdahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- μ—\0003bcμμ"\u03BC"U+3bc%CE%BCμgreek small letter muhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ν—\0003bdνν"\u03BD"U+3bd%CE%BDνgreek small letter nuhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ξ—\0003beξξ"\u03BE"U+3be%CE%BEξgreek small letter xihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ο—\0003bfοο"\u03BF"U+3bf%CE%BFοgreek small letter omicronhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- π—\0003c0ππ"\u03C0"U+3c0%CF%80πgreek small letter pihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ρ—\0003c1ρρ"\u03C1"U+3c1%CF%81ρgreek small letter rhohtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- σ—\0003c3σσ"\u03C3"U+3c3%CF%83σgreek small letter sigmahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- τ—\0003c4ττ"\u03C4"U+3c4%CF%84τgreek small letter tauhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- υ—\0003c5υυ"\u03C5"U+3c5%CF%85υgreek small letter upsilonυhtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- φ—\0003c6φφ"\u03C6"U+3c6%CF%86φgreek small letter phihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- χ—\0003c7χχ"\u03C7"U+3c7%CF%87χgreek small letter chihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ψ—\0003c8ψψ"\u03C8"U+3c8%CF%88ψgreek small letter psihtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ω—\0003c9ωω"\u03C9"U+3c9%CF%89ωgreek small letter omegahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ϊ—\0003caϊϊ"\u03CA"U+3ca%CF%8Agreek small letter iota dialytikagreek small letter iota diaeresismodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ϋ—\0003cbϋϋ"\u03CB"U+3cb%CF%8Bgreek small letter upsilon dialytikagreek small letter upsilon diaeresismodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ό—\0003ccόό"\u03CC"U+3cc%CF%8Cgreek small letter omicron tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ύ—\0003cdύύ"\u03CD"U+3cd%CF%8Dgreek small letter upsilon tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ώ—\0003ceώώ"\u03CE"U+3ce%CF%8Egreek small letter omega tonosmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- 🤻—\01f93b🤻🤻"\uD83E\uDD3B"U+1f93b%F0%9F%A4%BBmodern pentathlonsupplemental symbols and pictographs
- ς—\0003c2ςς"\u03C2"U+3c2%CF%82ςgreek small letter final sigmastigma ( modern greek name for this letterform)html entitiesςςελληνικάgreek and coptic
* These are known as Unicode.
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