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- ᶀ—\001d80ᶀᶀ"\u1D80"U+1d80%E1%B6%80latin small letter b palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶁ—\001d81ᶁᶁ"\u1D81"U+1d81%E1%B6%81latin small letter d palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶂ—\001d82ᶂᶂ"\u1D82"U+1d82%E1%B6%82latin small letter f palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶃ—\001d83ᶃᶃ"\u1D83"U+1d83%E1%B6%83latin small letter g palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶄ—\001d84ᶄᶄ"\u1D84"U+1d84%E1%B6%84latin small letter k palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶅ—\001d85ᶅᶅ"\u1D85"U+1d85%E1%B6%85latin small letter l palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶆ—\001d86ᶆᶆ"\u1D86"U+1d86%E1%B6%86latin small letter m palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶇ—\001d87ᶇᶇ"\u1D87"U+1d87%E1%B6%87latin small letter n palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶈ—\001d88ᶈᶈ"\u1D88"U+1d88%E1%B6%88latin small letter p palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶉ—\001d89ᶉᶉ"\u1D89"U+1d89%E1%B6%89latin small letter r palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶊ—\001d8aᶊᶊ"\u1D8A"U+1d8a%E1%B6%8Alatin small letter s palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶋ—\001d8bᶋᶋ"\u1D8B"U+1d8b%E1%B6%8Blatin small letter esh palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶌ—\001d8cᶌᶌ"\u1D8C"U+1d8c%E1%B6%8Clatin small letter v palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶍ—\001d8dᶍᶍ"\u1D8D"U+1d8d%E1%B6%8Dlatin small letter x palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶎ—\001d8eᶎᶎ"\u1D8E"U+1d8e%E1%B6%8Elatin small letter z palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶏ—\001d8fᶏᶏ"\u1D8F"U+1d8f%E1%B6%8Flatin small letter retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶐ—\001d90ᶐᶐ"\u1D90"U+1d90%E1%B6%90latin small letter alpha retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶑ—\001d91ᶑᶑ"\u1D91"U+1d91%E1%B6%91latin small letter d hook and tailphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶒ—\001d92ᶒᶒ"\u1D92"U+1d92%E1%B6%92latin small letter e retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶓ—\001d93ᶓᶓ"\u1D93"U+1d93%E1%B6%93latin small letter open e retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶔ—\001d94ᶔᶔ"\u1D94"U+1d94%E1%B6%94latin small letter reversed open e retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶕ—\001d95ᶕᶕ"\u1D95"U+1d95%E1%B6%95latin small letter schwa retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶖ—\001d96ᶖᶖ"\u1D96"U+1d96%E1%B6%96latin small letter i retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶗ—\001d97ᶗᶗ"\u1D97"U+1d97%E1%B6%97latin small letter open o retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶘ—\001d98ᶘᶘ"\u1D98"U+1d98%E1%B6%98latin small letter esh retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶙ—\001d99ᶙᶙ"\u1D99"U+1d99%E1%B6%99latin small letter u retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶚ—\001d9aᶚᶚ"\u1D9A"U+1d9a%E1%B6%9Alatin small letter ezh retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶛ—\001d9bᶛᶛ"\u1D9B"U+1d9b%E1%B6%9Bmodifier letter small turned alphaphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶜ—\001d9cᶜᶜ"\u1D9C"U+1d9c%E1%B6%9Cmodifier letter small cphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶝ—\001d9dᶝᶝ"\u1D9D"U+1d9d%E1%B6%9Dmodifier letter small c curlphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶞ—\001d9eᶞᶞ"\u1D9E"U+1d9e%E1%B6%9Emodifier letter small ethphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶟ—\001d9fᶟᶟ"\u1D9F"U+1d9f%E1%B6%9Fmodifier letter small reversed open ephonetic extensions supplement
- ᶠ—\001da0ᶠᶠ"\u1DA0"U+1da0%E1%B6%A0modifier letter small fphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶡ—\001da1ᶡᶡ"\u1DA1"U+1da1%E1%B6%A1modifier letter small dotless j strokephonetic extensions supplement
- ᶢ—\001da2ᶢᶢ"\u1DA2"U+1da2%E1%B6%A2modifier letter small script gphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶣ—\001da3ᶣᶣ"\u1DA3"U+1da3%E1%B6%A3modifier letter small turned hphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶤ—\001da4ᶤᶤ"\u1DA4"U+1da4%E1%B6%A4modifier letter small i strokephonetic extensions supplement
- ᶥ—\001da5ᶥᶥ"\u1DA5"U+1da5%E1%B6%A5modifier letter small iotaphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶦ—\001da6ᶦᶦ"\u1DA6"U+1da6%E1%B6%A6modifier letter small capital iphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶧ—\001da7ᶧᶧ"\u1DA7"U+1da7%E1%B6%A7modifier letter small capital i strokephonetic extensions supplement
- ᶨ—\001da8ᶨᶨ"\u1DA8"U+1da8%E1%B6%A8modifier letter small j crossed-tailphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶩ—\001da9ᶩᶩ"\u1DA9"U+1da9%E1%B6%A9modifier letter small l retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶪ—\001daaᶪᶪ"\u1DAA"U+1daa%E1%B6%AAmodifier letter small l palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶫ—\001dabᶫᶫ"\u1DAB"U+1dab%E1%B6%ABmodifier letter small capital lphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶬ—\001dacᶬᶬ"\u1DAC"U+1dac%E1%B6%ACmodifier letter small m hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶭ—\001dadᶭᶭ"\u1DAD"U+1dad%E1%B6%ADmodifier letter small turned m long legphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶮ—\001daeᶮᶮ"\u1DAE"U+1dae%E1%B6%AEmodifier letter small n left hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶯ—\001dafᶯᶯ"\u1DAF"U+1daf%E1%B6%AFmodifier letter small n retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶰ—\001db0ᶰᶰ"\u1DB0"U+1db0%E1%B6%B0modifier letter small capital nphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶱ—\001db1ᶱᶱ"\u1DB1"U+1db1%E1%B6%B1modifier letter small barred ophonetic extensions supplement
- ᶲ—\001db2ᶲᶲ"\u1DB2"U+1db2%E1%B6%B2modifier letter small phiphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶳ—\001db3ᶳᶳ"\u1DB3"U+1db3%E1%B6%B3modifier letter small s hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶴ—\001db4ᶴᶴ"\u1DB4"U+1db4%E1%B6%B4modifier letter small eshphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶵ—\001db5ᶵᶵ"\u1DB5"U+1db5%E1%B6%B5modifier letter small t palatal hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶶ—\001db6ᶶᶶ"\u1DB6"U+1db6%E1%B6%B6modifier letter small u barphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶷ—\001db7ᶷᶷ"\u1DB7"U+1db7%E1%B6%B7modifier letter small upsilonphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶸ—\001db8ᶸᶸ"\u1DB8"U+1db8%E1%B6%B8modifier letter small capital uphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶹ—\001db9ᶹᶹ"\u1DB9"U+1db9%E1%B6%B9modifier letter small v hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶺ—\001dbaᶺᶺ"\u1DBA"U+1dba%E1%B6%BAmodifier letter small turned vphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶻ—\001dbbᶻᶻ"\u1DBB"U+1dbb%E1%B6%BBmodifier letter small zphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶼ—\001dbcᶼᶼ"\u1DBC"U+1dbc%E1%B6%BCmodifier letter small z retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶽ—\001dbdᶽᶽ"\u1DBD"U+1dbd%E1%B6%BDmodifier letter small z curlphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶾ—\001dbeᶾᶾ"\u1DBE"U+1dbe%E1%B6%BEmodifier letter small ezhphonetic extensions supplement
- ᶿ—\001dbfᶿᶿ"\u1DBF"U+1dbf%E1%B6%BFmodifier letter small thetaphonetic extensions supplement
* These are known as Unicode.
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