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- Ə\00018fƏƏ"\u018F"U+18f%C6%8Flatin capital letter schwalatin extended-b
- ə\000259əə"\u0259"U+259%C9%99latin small letter schwaipa extensions
- ɚ\00025aɚɚ"\u025A"U+25a%C9%9Alatin small letter schwa hookipa extensions
- Ә\0004d8ӘӘ"\u04D8"U+4d8%D3%98cyrillic capital letter schwacyrillic
- ә\0004d9әә"\u04D9"U+4d9%D3%99cyrillic small letter schwacyrillic
- Ӛ\0004daӚӚ"\u04DA"U+4da%D3%9Acyrillic capital letter schwa diaeresiscyrillic
- ӛ\0004dbӛӛ"\u04DB"U+4db%D3%9Bcyrillic small letter schwa diaeresiscyrillic
- ᵊ\001d4aᵊᵊ"\u1D4A"U+1d4a%E1%B5%8Amodifier letter small schwaphonetic extensions
- ᶕ\001d95ᶕᶕ"\u1D95"U+1d95%E1%B6%95latin small letter schwa retroflex hookphonetic extensions supplement
- ᷪ\001deaᷪᷪ"\u1DEA"U+1dea%E1%B7%AAcombining latin small letter schwacombining diacritical marks supplement
- ₔ\002094ₔₔ"\u2094"U+2094%E2%82%94latin subscript small letter schwasuperscripts and subscripts
- ⨟\002a1f⨟⨟"\u2A1F"U+2a1f%E2%A8%9Fz notation schema compositionsupplemental mathematical operators
- ⨠\002a20⨠⨠"\u2A20"U+2a20%E2%A8%A0z notation schema pipingsupplemental mathematical operators
- ⨡\002a21⨡⨡"\u2A21"U+2a21%E2%A8%A1z notation schema projectionsupplemental mathematical operators
- ⼠\002f20⼠⼠"\u2F20"U+2f20%E2%BC%A0kangxi radical scholarkangxi radicals
- ㉆\003246㉆㉆"\u3246"U+3246%E3%89%86circled ideograph schoolenclosed cjk letters and months
- ꬱ\00ab31ꬱꬱ"\uAB31"U+ab31%EA%AC%B1latin small letter reversed-schwalatin extended-e
- 🎒\01f392🎒🎒"\uD83C\uDF92"U+1f392%F0%9F%8E%92school satchelbackpackbagrucksackmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🏫\01f3eb🏫🏫"\uD83C\uDFEB"U+1f3eb%F0%9F%8F%ABschoolbuildingmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🥯\01f96f🥯🥯"\uD83E\uDD6F"U+1f96f%F0%9F%A5%AFbagelbakerybreakfastschmearsupplemental symbols and pictographs
- ɚ́\00025a\000301ɚ́ɚ́"\u025A\u0301"U+25a U+301%C9%9A%CC%81latin small letter hooked schwa acuteipa extensions
- ɚ̀\00025a\000300ɚ̀ɚ̀"\u025A\u0300"U+25a U+300%C9%9A%CC%80latin small letter hooked schwa graveipa extensions
- ə́\000259\000301ə́ə́"\u0259\u0301"U+259 U+301%C9%99%CC%81latin small letter schwa acuteipa extensions
- ə̀\000259\000300ə̀ə̀"\u0259\u0300"U+259 U+300%C9%99%CC%80latin small letter schwa graveipa extensions
- ᙭\00166d᙭᙭"\u166D"U+166d%E1%99%ADcanadian syllabics chi signunified canadian aboriginal syllabics
- ⯿\002bff⯿⯿"\u2BFF"U+2bff%E2%AF%BFhellschreiber pause symbolmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- 🕅\01f545🕅🕅"\uD83D\uDD45"U+1f545%F0%9F%95%85symbol for marks chaptermiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
* These are known as Unicode.
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