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- ㈵—\003235㈵㈵"\u3235"U+3235%E3%88%B5parenthesized ideograph specialenclosed cjk letters and months
- ㊕—\003295㊕㊕"\u3295"U+3295%E3%8A%95circled ideograph specialenclosed cjk letters and months
- —\00fff9"\uFFF9"U+fff9%EF%BF%B9interlinear annotation anchorspecials
- —\00fffa"\uFFFA"U+fffa%EF%BF%BAinterlinear annotation separatorspecials
- —\00fffb"\uFFFB"U+fffb%EF%BF%BBinterlinear annotation terminatorspecials
- —\00fffc"\uFFFC"U+fffc%EF%BF%BCobject replacement characterspecials
- �—\00fffd��"\uFFFD"U+fffd%EF%BF%BDreplacement characterspecials
- 🩵—\01fa75🩵🩵"\uD83E\uDE75"U+1fa75%F0%9F%A9%B5light blue heart143cutecyanemotionilylikeloveskyspecialtealsymbols and pictographs extended-a
- 🩶—\01fa76🩶🩶"\uD83E\uDE76"U+1fa76%F0%9F%A9%B6grey heart143emotiongrayilylovesilverslatespecialsymbols and pictographs extended-a
- 🩷—\01fa77🩷🩷"\uD83E\uDE77"U+1fa77%F0%9F%A9%B7pink heart143adorablecuteemotionilylikelovespecialsweetsymbols and pictographs extended-a
* These are known as Unicode.
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