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- ⟰—\0027f0⟰⟰"\u27F0"U+27f0%E2%9F%B0upwards quadruple arrowsupplemental arrows-a
- ⟱—\0027f1⟱⟱"\u27F1"U+27f1%E2%9F%B1downwards quadruple arrowsupplemental arrows-a
- ⟲—\0027f2⟲⟲"\u27F2"U+27f2%E2%9F%B2anticlockwise gapped circle arrowrefreshsupplemental arrows-a
- ⟳—\0027f3⟳⟳"\u27F3"U+27f3%E2%9F%B3clockwise gapped circle arrowrefreshsupplemental arrows-a
- ⟴—\0027f4⟴⟴"\u27F4"U+27f4%E2%9F%B4right arrow circled plussupplemental arrows-a
- ⟵—\0027f5⟵⟵"\u27F5"U+27f5%E2%9F%B5⟵long leftwards arrowhtml entities⟵supplemental arrows-a
- ⟶—\0027f6⟶⟶"\u27F6"U+27f6%E2%9F%B6⟶long rightwards arrowhtml entities⟶supplemental arrows-a
- ⟷—\0027f7⟷⟷"\u27F7"U+27f7%E2%9F%B7⟷long left right arrowhtml entities⟷supplemental arrows-a
- ⟸—\0027f8⟸⟸"\u27F8"U+27f8%E2%9F%B8⟸long leftwards double arrowhtml entities⟸⟸supplemental arrows-a
- ⟹—\0027f9⟹⟹"\u27F9"U+27f9%E2%9F%B9⟹long rightwards double arrowhtml entities⟹⟹supplemental arrows-a
- ⟺—\0027fa⟺⟺"\u27FA"U+27fa%E2%9F%BA⟺long left right double arrowhtml entities⟺⟺supplemental arrows-a
- ⟻—\0027fb⟻⟻"\u27FB"U+27fb%E2%9F%BBlong leftwards arrow from barmaps fromsupplemental arrows-a
- ⟼—\0027fc⟼⟼"\u27FC"U+27fc%E2%9F%BC⟼long rightwards arrow from barmaps tohtml entities⟼supplemental arrows-a
- ⟽—\0027fd⟽⟽"\u27FD"U+27fd%E2%9F%BDlong leftwards double arrow from barsupplemental arrows-a
- ⟾—\0027fe⟾⟾"\u27FE"U+27fe%E2%9F%BElong rightwards double arrow from barsupplemental arrows-a
- ⟿—\0027ff⟿⟿"\u27FF"U+27ff%E2%9F%BF⟿long rightwards squiggle arrowhtml entitiessupplemental arrows-a
* These are known as Unicode.
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