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- ᦀ—\001980ᦀᦀ"\u1980"U+1980%E1%A6%80new tai lue letter high qatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦁ—\001981ᦁᦁ"\u1981"U+1981%E1%A6%81new tai lue letter low qatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦂ—\001982ᦂᦂ"\u1982"U+1982%E1%A6%82new tai lue letter high katai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦃ—\001983ᦃᦃ"\u1983"U+1983%E1%A6%83new tai lue letter high xatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦄ—\001984ᦄᦄ"\u1984"U+1984%E1%A6%84new tai lue letter high ngatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦅ—\001985ᦅᦅ"\u1985"U+1985%E1%A6%85new tai lue letter low katai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦆ—\001986ᦆᦆ"\u1986"U+1986%E1%A6%86new tai lue letter low xatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦇ—\001987ᦇᦇ"\u1987"U+1987%E1%A6%87new tai lue letter low ngatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦈ—\001988ᦈᦈ"\u1988"U+1988%E1%A6%88new tai lue letter high tsatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦉ—\001989ᦉᦉ"\u1989"U+1989%E1%A6%89new tai lue letter high satai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦊ—\00198aᦊᦊ"\u198A"U+198a%E1%A6%8Anew tai lue letter high yatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦋ—\00198bᦋᦋ"\u198B"U+198b%E1%A6%8Bnew tai lue letter low tsatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦌ—\00198cᦌᦌ"\u198C"U+198c%E1%A6%8Cnew tai lue letter low satai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦍ—\00198dᦍᦍ"\u198D"U+198d%E1%A6%8Dnew tai lue letter low yatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦎ—\00198eᦎᦎ"\u198E"U+198e%E1%A6%8Enew tai lue letter high tatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦏ—\00198fᦏᦏ"\u198F"U+198f%E1%A6%8Fnew tai lue letter high thatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦐ—\001990ᦐᦐ"\u1990"U+1990%E1%A6%90new tai lue letter high natai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦑ—\001991ᦑᦑ"\u1991"U+1991%E1%A6%91new tai lue letter low tatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦒ—\001992ᦒᦒ"\u1992"U+1992%E1%A6%92new tai lue letter low thatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦓ—\001993ᦓᦓ"\u1993"U+1993%E1%A6%93new tai lue letter low natai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦔ—\001994ᦔᦔ"\u1994"U+1994%E1%A6%94new tai lue letter high patai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦕ—\001995ᦕᦕ"\u1995"U+1995%E1%A6%95new tai lue letter high phatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦖ—\001996ᦖᦖ"\u1996"U+1996%E1%A6%96new tai lue letter high matai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦗ—\001997ᦗᦗ"\u1997"U+1997%E1%A6%97new tai lue letter low patai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦘ—\001998ᦘᦘ"\u1998"U+1998%E1%A6%98new tai lue letter low phatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦙ—\001999ᦙᦙ"\u1999"U+1999%E1%A6%99new tai lue letter low matai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦚ—\00199aᦚᦚ"\u199A"U+199a%E1%A6%9Anew tai lue letter high fatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦛ—\00199bᦛᦛ"\u199B"U+199b%E1%A6%9Bnew tai lue letter high vatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦜ—\00199cᦜᦜ"\u199C"U+199c%E1%A6%9Cnew tai lue letter high latai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦝ—\00199dᦝᦝ"\u199D"U+199d%E1%A6%9Dnew tai lue letter low fatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦞ—\00199eᦞᦞ"\u199E"U+199e%E1%A6%9Enew tai lue letter low vatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦟ—\00199fᦟᦟ"\u199F"U+199f%E1%A6%9Fnew tai lue letter low latai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦠ—\0019a0ᦠᦠ"\u19A0"U+19a0%E1%A6%A0new tai lue letter high hatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦡ—\0019a1ᦡᦡ"\u19A1"U+19a1%E1%A6%A1new tai lue letter high datai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦢ—\0019a2ᦢᦢ"\u19A2"U+19a2%E1%A6%A2new tai lue letter high batai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦣ—\0019a3ᦣᦣ"\u19A3"U+19a3%E1%A6%A3new tai lue letter low hatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦤ—\0019a4ᦤᦤ"\u19A4"U+19a4%E1%A6%A4new tai lue letter low datai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦥ—\0019a5ᦥᦥ"\u19A5"U+19a5%E1%A6%A5new tai lue letter low batai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦦ—\0019a6ᦦᦦ"\u19A6"U+19a6%E1%A6%A6new tai lue letter high kvatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦧ—\0019a7ᦧᦧ"\u19A7"U+19a7%E1%A6%A7new tai lue letter high xvatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦨ—\0019a8ᦨᦨ"\u19A8"U+19a8%E1%A6%A8new tai lue letter low kvatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦩ—\0019a9ᦩᦩ"\u19A9"U+19a9%E1%A6%A9new tai lue letter low xvatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦪ—\0019aaᦪᦪ"\u19AA"U+19aa%E1%A6%AAnew tai lue letter high suatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦫ—\0019abᦫᦫ"\u19AB"U+19ab%E1%A6%ABnew tai lue letter low suatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦰ—\0019b0ᦰᦰ"\u19B0"U+19b0%E1%A6%B0new tai lue vowel sign vowel shortenertai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦱ—\0019b1ᦱᦱ"\u19B1"U+19b1%E1%A6%B1new tai lue vowel sign aatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦲ—\0019b2ᦲᦲ"\u19B2"U+19b2%E1%A6%B2new tai lue vowel sign iitai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦳ—\0019b3ᦳᦳ"\u19B3"U+19b3%E1%A6%B3new tai lue vowel sign utai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦴ—\0019b4ᦴᦴ"\u19B4"U+19b4%E1%A6%B4new tai lue vowel sign uutai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦵ—\0019b5ᦵᦵ"\u19B5"U+19b5%E1%A6%B5new tai lue vowel sign etai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦶ—\0019b6ᦶᦶ"\u19B6"U+19b6%E1%A6%B6new tai lue vowel sign aetai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦷ—\0019b7ᦷᦷ"\u19B7"U+19b7%E1%A6%B7new tai lue vowel sign otai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦸ—\0019b8ᦸᦸ"\u19B8"U+19b8%E1%A6%B8new tai lue vowel sign oatai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦹ—\0019b9ᦹᦹ"\u19B9"U+19b9%E1%A6%B9new tai lue vowel sign uetai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦺ—\0019baᦺᦺ"\u19BA"U+19ba%E1%A6%BAnew tai lue vowel sign aytai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦻ—\0019bbᦻᦻ"\u19BB"U+19bb%E1%A6%BBnew tai lue vowel sign aaytai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦼ—\0019bcᦼᦼ"\u19BC"U+19bc%E1%A6%BCnew tai lue vowel sign uytai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦽ—\0019bdᦽᦽ"\u19BD"U+19bd%E1%A6%BDnew tai lue vowel sign oytai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦾ—\0019beᦾᦾ"\u19BE"U+19be%E1%A6%BEnew tai lue vowel sign oaytai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᦿ—\0019bfᦿᦿ"\u19BF"U+19bf%E1%A6%BFnew tai lue vowel sign ueytai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧀ—\0019c0ᧀᧀ"\u19C0"U+19c0%E1%A7%80new tai lue vowel sign iytai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧁ—\0019c1ᧁᧁ"\u19C1"U+19c1%E1%A7%81new tai lue letter final vtai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧂ—\0019c2ᧂᧂ"\u19C2"U+19c2%E1%A7%82new tai lue letter final ngtai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧃ—\0019c3ᧃᧃ"\u19C3"U+19c3%E1%A7%83new tai lue letter final ntai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧄ—\0019c4ᧄᧄ"\u19C4"U+19c4%E1%A7%84new tai lue letter final mtai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧅ—\0019c5ᧅᧅ"\u19C5"U+19c5%E1%A7%85new tai lue letter final ktai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧆ—\0019c6ᧆᧆ"\u19C6"U+19c6%E1%A7%86new tai lue letter final dtai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧇ—\0019c7ᧇᧇ"\u19C7"U+19c7%E1%A7%87new tai lue letter final btai lüᦅᧄᦺᦑᦟᦹᧉnew tai lue
- ᧈ—\0019c8ᧈᧈ"\u19C8"U+19c8%E1%A7%88new tai lue tone mark-1new tai lue
- ᧉ—\0019c9ᧉᧉ"\u19C9"U+19c9%E1%A7%89new tai lue tone mark-2new tai lue
- ᧐—\0019d0᧐᧐"\u19D0"U+19d0%E1%A7%90new tai lue digit zeronew tai lue
- ᧑—\0019d1᧑᧑"\u19D1"U+19d1%E1%A7%91new tai lue digit onenew tai lue
- ᧒—\0019d2᧒᧒"\u19D2"U+19d2%E1%A7%92new tai lue digit twonew tai lue
- ᧓—\0019d3᧓᧓"\u19D3"U+19d3%E1%A7%93new tai lue digit threenew tai lue
- ᧔—\0019d4᧔᧔"\u19D4"U+19d4%E1%A7%94new tai lue digit fournew tai lue
- ᧕—\0019d5᧕᧕"\u19D5"U+19d5%E1%A7%95new tai lue digit fivenew tai lue
- ᧖—\0019d6᧖᧖"\u19D6"U+19d6%E1%A7%96new tai lue digit sixnew tai lue
- ᧗—\0019d7᧗᧗"\u19D7"U+19d7%E1%A7%97new tai lue digit sevennew tai lue
- ᧘—\0019d8᧘᧘"\u19D8"U+19d8%E1%A7%98new tai lue digit eightnew tai lue
- ᧙—\0019d9᧙᧙"\u19D9"U+19d9%E1%A7%99new tai lue digit ninenew tai lue
- ᧚—\0019da᧚᧚"\u19DA"U+19da%E1%A7%9Anew tai lue tham digit onenew tai lue
- ᧞—\0019de᧞᧞"\u19DE"U+19de%E1%A7%9Enew tai lue sign laenew tai lue
- ᧟—\0019df᧟᧟"\u19DF"U+19df%E1%A7%9Fnew tai lue sign laevnew tai lue
- ᩄ—\001a44ᩄᩄ"\u1A44"U+1a44%E1%A9%84tai tham letter luetai tham
- ᩼—\001a7c᩼᩼"\u1A7C"U+1a7c%E1%A9%BCtai tham sign khuen-lue karantai tham
* These are known as Unicode.
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