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- ︑—\00fe11︑︑"\uFE11"U+fe11%EF%B8%91presentation form for vertical ideographic commavertical forms
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- ︙—\00fe19︙︙"\uFE19"U+fe19%EF%B8%99presentation form for vertical horizontal ellipsisvertical forms
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- ┾—\00253e┾┾"\u253E"U+253e%E2%94%BEbox drawings right heavy and left vertical lightforms right heavy and left vertical lightbox drawing
- ┿—\00253f┿┿"\u253F"U+253f%E2%94%BFbox drawings vertical light and horizontal heavyforms vertical light and horizontal heavyvideotex mosaic dg 13box drawing
- ╂—\002542╂╂"\u2542"U+2542%E2%95%82box drawings vertical heavy and horizontal lightforms vertical heavy and horizontal lightbox drawing
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- ╋—\00254b╋╋"\u254B"U+254b%E2%95%8Bbox drawings heavy vertical and horizontalforms heavy vertical and horizontalbox drawing
- ╎—\00254e╎╎"\u254E"U+254e%E2%95%8Ebox drawings light double dash verticalforms light double dash verticalbox drawing
- ╏—\00254f╏╏"\u254F"U+254f%E2%95%8Fbox drawings heavy double dash verticalforms heavy double dash verticalbox drawing
- ║Alt+186\002551║║"\u2551"U+2551%E2%95%91║box drawings double verticalforms double verticalhtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╞—\00255e╞╞"\u255E"U+255e%E2%95%9E╞box drawings vertical single and right doubleforms vertical single and right doublehtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╟—\00255f╟╟"\u255F"U+255f%E2%95%9F╟box drawings vertical double and right singleforms vertical double and right singlehtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╠Alt+204\002560╠╠"\u2560"U+2560%E2%95%A0╠box drawings double vertical and rightforms double vertical and righthtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╡—\002561╡╡"\u2561"U+2561%E2%95%A1╡box drawings vertical single and left doubleforms vertical single and left doublehtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╢—\002562╢╢"\u2562"U+2562%E2%95%A2╢box drawings vertical double and left singleforms vertical double and left singlehtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╣Alt+185\002563╣╣"\u2563"U+2563%E2%95%A3╣box drawings double vertical and leftforms double vertical and lefthtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╪—\00256a╪╪"\u256A"U+256a%E2%95%AA╪box drawings vertical single and horizontal doubleforms vertical single and horizontal doublehtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╫—\00256b╫╫"\u256B"U+256b%E2%95%AB╫box drawings vertical double and horizontal singleforms vertical double and horizontal singlehtml entitiesbox drawing
- ╬Alt+206\00256c╬╬"\u256C"U+256c%E2%95%AC╬box drawings double vertical and horizontalforms double vertical and horizontalhtml entitiesbox drawing
- │—\00ffe8││"\uFFE8"U+ffe8%EF%BF%A8halfwidth forms light verticalhalfwidth and fullwidth forms
* These are known as Unicode.
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